“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass…it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”


Decide How to React
It is not what happens to you that counts. It is how you react to what happens to you, especially when you have unexpected problems of any kind.

In this article, you learn powerful strategies you can use to keep yourself thinking and acting positively and creatively.

Here are four things you can do to assure that your attitude is the very best it can be, under all circumstances.

Focus On the Future
First, whatever challenges you face, focus on the future rather than on the past. Instead of worrying about who did what and who is to blame, focus on where you want to be and what you want to do. Get a clear mental image of your ideal successful future, and then take whatever action you can to begin moving in that direction. Get your mind, your thoughts, and your mental images on the future.

Everywhere you turn nowadays the words “crisis!” “bailout!” “panic!” and “chaos!” flood the media when talking about our finances and economy.

We do live in uncertain times. But, the truth is, there is no reason to panic.

There are still many things you can do to guarantee that you not only keep your head above water — but that you make and save more money than you ever have before.

Get all the details here!

Think About the Solution
Second, whenever you’re faced with a difficulty, focus on the solution rather than on the problem. Think and talk about the ideal solution to the obstacle or setback, rather than wasting time rehashing and reflecting on the problem. Solutions are inherently positive, whereas problems are inherently negative. The instant that you begin thinking in terms of solutions, you become a positive and constructive human being.

Look For the Good
Third, assume that something good is hidden within each difficulty or challenge. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, a major proponent of positive thinking, once said, “Whenever God wants to give us a gift, he wraps it up in a problem.” The bigger the gift you have coming, the bigger the problem you will receive. But the wonderful thing is that if you look for the gift, you will always find it.

Seek the Valuable Lesson
Fourth, Mariano assume that whatever situation you are facing at the moment is exactly the right situation you need to ultimately be successful. This situation has been sent to you to help you learn something, to help you become better, to help you expand and grow.

Decide to Be Positive
A Positive Mental Attitude is indispensable to your success. You can be as positive as you want to be if you will simply think about the future, focus on the solution and look for the good. If you do what other successful people do, if you use your mind to exert mental control over the situation, you will be positive and cheerful most of the time. And you will reap the benefits enjoyed by all successful people.

To Your Success and Prosperity,

Practice Change

Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action:

First, become solution-oriented with every difficulty you face. Make a habit of looking for the answers to your questions, the solutions to your problems.

Second, seek for the valuable lesson in every adversity. Make a list of every idea or insight you can gain from every setback or difficulty.

Third, think on paper. Take some time to write out every detail of the problem, and then take the most logical next step to solve it.

Read more at http://www.empowernetwork.com/mjauco/blog/four-steps-to-a-super-attiude/...

Author's Bio: 

Coach Mariano started his practice in 2000 specializing in coaching, training and development of individuals and businesses. He will help you achieve your personal and business goals much faster and easier than struggling and working by yourself. His mission is to help you make more money and create more time to do the things you enjoy.

------ Mariano delivers a structured and client-focused coaching process from 3 months to a year depending upon your needs and budget. After an initial intake session, a custom coaching program is designed for you. Coach Mariano is able to help you gain a 100% ROI usually within the first 100 days with a 100% money back guarantee. So there is very little risk for our clients.

------ Mariano worked in the private, non-profit, and government sectors in Silicon Valley, East Bay and Sacramento Region. He has acquired a sound technical and management background in his past profession as a Quality Assurance Engineer and Director in these sectors. Mariano had the opportunity to review and evaluate various business practices of several Fortune 500 corporations around the world.

------ As a keynote speaker and seminar leader, Mariano conducts workshops in Employee Empowerment, Team Building, Time Management, Leadership Development, Business Process Improvement, Strategic Planning, SMART Goals, Coaching for Improved Performance, Internet Marketing and Business Development. His exciting and interactive talks and seminars help bring about immediate changes and long-term results for you.

----- Mariano received the Certified Professional Coach designation from the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching. He is an active member of the Progressive Consultants Network, Business Development Institute, Business Networking International, Life Coach Support Network, Sacramento Coaches Association, International Coach Federation, and various Chambers of Commerce.

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