There are countless home remedies to improve skin color. Some work instantly and some take time, but they work. In this article, I am going to disclose 4 such remedies which have shown proven results in improving the skin tone.

4 Proven Ways to Become Fair

1. Use yogurt

Yogurt can greatly help in improving the skin complexion. It has nutrients that are good for the skin and will give it a radiant glow. It also contains lactic acid that has the ability to naturally lighten dull and darkened skin color. You can use yogurt as a face mask. Also, you can apply plain unsweetened yogurt on the skin and leave it for some minutes to get absorbed into the skin. Afterward, rinse the skin with lukewarm water and make sure to apply this procedure on a daily basis for the best outcome.

2. Cucumber

Benefits of cucumber to the skin leave little to be desired. This vegetable contains a lot of water that is helpful in hydrating the skin giving it a fresh and supple feeling. It also helps to keep the skin firm. This way the skin is naturally toned and evened out. Make it a habit to include cucumbers in your diet especially in vegetable salads. Alternatively, place freshly sliced cucumbers on your skin and let them sit for some minutes. Remove the slices and wash the skin using warm water. For significant results, do this at least two times in a day for several weeks.

3. Oranges

This is a simple fruit that is often underestimated when it comes to caring for the skin. Oranges can be quite helpful in improving skin color most especially because they are a rich source of vitamin C. Vitamin C can help remove any blemishes that may be causing the skin tone to appear dull and unattractive. Moreover, oranges have the ability to naturally bleach the skin giving it a brighter and improved complexion. Eat up to two oranges on a regular basis for overall flawless skin.

4. Honey

Apart from moisturizing the skin, honey acts as a cleansing agent and helps open clogged skin pores which may otherwise result in acne or other skin blemishes. It also contains many nutrients and enzymes that aid in the renewal process of the cells presents in the skin. All these promote a naturally glowing and flawless skin complexion. Prepare a face mask using one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Mix to form a thick paste. Apply the paste on the face and let it sit for twenty minutes before washing off with lukewarm water. Do this once on a regular basis and watch your skin tone become brighter day by day.

For more beauty tips you can search on Google or also watch Youtube Videos. I am sure you will find tons of ways.

Wrapping it Up!

By following the above-mentioned ways you will not only improve your skin color but also power your skin for the future boost. This will give you a natural, glowing skin.

Read Also: 5 Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Acne

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making, Fashion etc. It is my Hobby and passion.