The champion in the child is the same champion in the adult; they just have to recognize it. As a father of three girls, a speaker at schools, prisons, juvenile halls, and a counselor to many youths, I know the importance of proper child training. One year I went to minister to a friend of mine who was in prison. It was the hardest thing I ever dealt with, even though I know how to put my mind out of an equation and put my spirit up. I saw the inmate’s children; who are my children’s age, leaving the prison. I watched the children and the wives leave a chained building that has bars all over it, with their daddy’s inside. The inmates would say, “I love you children,” and the children would respond, “I love you Daddy.” I had to get up and walk over to the window and look out at the water because I couldn’t take it anymore. Now I thought, how strong am I, really? When I looked back and I saw all those tough guys, so humbled, with their kids waving to them, yelling, “I love you,” and them yelling back, “I love you,” I almost cried. I asked one guy, “How much longer do you have?” And he said, “I’ve got another nine years.” I thought, “Oh my God, NINE more years in a cell when there is life all around us.” I’m telling you, we have no worries. We have never done without. None of us have done without. But yet, we’ll complain every day. We’ll order a hamburger, and complain because the waitress forgot the pickles.
You must understand satan has assigned demons to every baby. As soon as the baby comes out of the mother’s womb, he assigns them to the children to stop them from fulfilling the calling, or assignment that God has sent them to the earth to do. Satan has sent demons instantly to those children to hover over them, to try to stop the champions of this world, to prevent them from walking out the visions that God has given them. Those are the men and women that are in prisons. God bless them. I want them out of prison. I want to minister to them. I want to help them. They had great callings on their life. They are truly champions in there, but satan had to work overtime to hook them and get them all screwed up. My friend that I was visiting that day, who I knew pretty well, got hooked up with the wrong people and ended up in jail. I don’t hold jail against anyone. I love what Jesus said,
So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them,
"He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first." John 8:7
If people around us sneeze wrong, some people want to stone them! They say, “Look at him; he is supposed to be a Christian.”
Remember, any loser can find a loser in someone. It takes a champion to find a champion. It’s easier to train up a child than to re-program an adult. So, continue to love your children. Train them up in the admonition- (that is the instruction of the Lord) so that when they get older, they won’t depart from it. --They will never leave it.


( Excerpt taken with permission from "Winning at the Race of Life Magazine" by Sammy Maloof. Get your FREE copy here: )

Author's Bio: 

Sammy Maloof is a Hollywood Stuntman, seen in numerous TV, music videos, commercials and movies such as Mission Impossible 4, Law Abiding Citizen, Fast and Furious, Spiderman 2 and Rush Hour (to name a few). He is also a motivational speaker, author and entrepreneur. As owner of a beautiful Hot Rod shop in Southern California, Sammy knows what it takes to successfully operate and manage a business and staff for over 25 years. He has a unique way of addressing the problem areas in a person or corporation that keep them from getting ahead. Currently in development of his own reality TV Show, Sammy gets numerous invitations to share his "Winning" message with men and women groups, corporations, schools and churches all over the country. Visit and email for more information on how you can have Sammy at your next event. Permission granted to publish this article in its entirety, provided that author's name, bio and website links are included with every reproduction.