Setting goals is great.

They have a beneficial effect even if you do nothing more than set them and move on with your life.

But in this article I am going to show you how to address hard to reach goals that you want to highly increase the chances of getting to in the shortest period of time.

Write a plan:
Your plan doesn't have to be perfect but you do have to have a plan to reach your goals. If you don't have a plan yet or your having a hard time making a plan. Sit in front of your computer with a blank word document and tip your goal at the top of the document. Then list out at least twenty different ways to get to your goal. Do this process daily until you find one idea worth developing into a plan.

Put a deadline on your goal:
When you have a plan, you have an opportunity to guess at what it's going to take to fulfill that plan. Having a deadline helps force the plan into completion.

Write your goals down daily along with a summary of your plan:
The more we keep our goals out in front of us the more likely we are to reach them. I recommend doing this first thing in the morning before you start your day.

Create your plan for the day right after you write them down:
If you plan your day the night before its ok, just make sure you write your goals before you plan your day. When we write our goals and our plan to achieve our goal before your plan our day we are much more likely to include plans to achieve our goals in our plans for the day.

Write your goals at the end of your day then reflect on how they day went:
Certain things in our lives we can eliminate because they aren't congruent with our goals. Other parts of our days we can become more efficient with our actions to reach our goals quicker. The easiest most dependable way to make sure you continually stay on course and optimize your actions to reach your goals is to reflect on your day. Then while reflecting on your day, find ways to improve your daily actions to reach your goals faster and with less effort.

Look for ways to improve the efficiency of the action in your plan.

Author's Bio: 

We cover this and other important topics at our Small Business Marketing blog. I also guide our private clients through processes like this if needed with our Top Business Coaches Our Goal at Guaranteed is to get you to your goals faster, easier while you have more fun along the process.