Avoiding the negativity
When you have come up with a new idea (innovation) or taking the necessary steps to make major changes in your life there are certain things that you do not need from your surroundings. One of those things is negativity. You will find that most people around you are not as positive as you might think.

Recognize when they try to bring you down
When you are enthusiastic and express your new idea to the world some people will be enthusiastic for you but most people will react in a negative way and try to bring you down. You have to realize that most people would love to be able to come up with an innovative idea but because they think they can’t or do not know how to, they do not want it for somebody else.

So try to immediately recognize when your surroundings are trying to bring you down. At this point you are most likely still a bit insecure about what you are trying to accomplish so the last thing you need is others people negativity to get you off your guard and make you stray down the wrong path again.

Keep your eye on your own prize
So try not to take to heart what other people are saying when you are coming up with new ideas or starting to awaken your inner innovator. Other people’s input can sometimes be negative and bring unwanted criticism to the changes you are trying to make.

I recommend the following to people and this might sound a bit harsh, but it really works; try to avoid the people that you know will bring you down whether they are friends or family members. At first this might be a bit difficult especially with family members but try to spend as little time as possible with them when you are trying to make positive changes in your live or bring your innovation into the world.

The other thing I recommend is this; when you have an original idea , don’t waste your time and effort trying to make people understand or convince them it’s a good idea. That comes later when you’re introducing your idea to your chosen market. This will also help you avoid a lot of unwanted negativity in the beginning. I know you are enthusiastic and probably want to tell everyone about your ideas and what you want to do, but first try to accomplish results and then share with the world.

Negative feedback from others simply comes from their own insecurity or desire to be innovative themselves. However, other people are not your responsibility. You are your responsibility, and your innovations and creations belong to you alone.

So, listen to your own heart and follow your own path. After all, you didn’t make it this far only to back down because of your peers’ insecurities. Keep your focus on what you want and what you want to achieve and where you want to go in live. When you keep your eye on the prize you will most certainly achieve your goal.

Use your time wisely

Spend as much time as you can on your innovation. This is not to say that you must immediately quit your day-job. That is not my advice. What is a good idea is to be consistent in the time you spend on your idea.

When you want to bring a new idea into the world this will cost time and energy. You might find it difficult to find the time where you want to get things done, so therefore advice you to start learning some skills that can help you to use your time wisely. Most of these things you probably already know and others might surprise you.

You will probably want to apply some time management techniques to help you stay on track. You will see in the long run that, with the proper discipline and time management, you will be able to both keep your day-job, spend time on your innovation and changes you want to make and still be able to carve out some time for your personal life.

Time management is very simple to learn and once you apply certain skills and techniques you will see how much time you can free up for your innovation. Look out for an another article by me on time management.

I hope this article will make you see how important it is to start avoiding the negativity when you want to bringing your innovation into the world. People will start to see all the positive changes in you and will come you when the time is right.

Author's Bio: 

Piet Hein Bredero is a success coach and trainer with over 30 years work experience in management, franchising, customer service, financial services and IT solutions.
From the age of 21, when he was in charge of a fast food franchise with 60 employees, he gained his first management and coaching experience. Since then he has been an advocate of personal development; helping people to challenge themselves and reach their potential.
By using a combination of NLP, Light Body and the oh-so-powerful law of attraction, Piet Hein coaches people and businesses to succeed by leading them trough his Success Training. The phrases I can’t and I have to do not exist in his vocabulary, and, by following his training, you can learn how to banish these phrases from your vocabulary, too.
His mottos in life are very simple: “Live and work with passion” and “Life is too short to dance with ugly girls”.
Curious to know more? For more information please visit Piet Hein’s website: www.pietheinbredero.com