How to Become Spiritually Rich
by Melissa Kitto

Many people who live a spiritual life have challenges with money. You may have deep-rooted concepts about money that are holding you back. With the ups and downs in the economy this past few years, I've noticed that concepts that were completely subconscious for people are now coming to the forefront. That's great! It means it's time to HEAL.

False concepts about money have been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. In the same way that you pick up beliefs from the people that raised you, certain concepts about money have been passed down through our culture. Long ago the churches controlled the structure of society. In Europe the poor peasants were the majority, and the church leaders needed a way to keep them poor, or the whole structure of society at that time would have collapsed.

So beliefs such as "money is the root of all evil" were spread to keep people poor and in their place. They lost their desire to change their lot. Add on to this with beliefs such as "money doesn't make you happy" (is that money's job??) and spiritual leaders preaching poverty, and it makes for some deep-rooted concepts within you that can be tough to change.

I have been doing some work recently about allowing more money and abundance to come into my life, and I've learned it all comes down to beliefs. I'd like to share with you some common beliefs about money in this article and then offer you an alternative belief to replace it with. As you read this, notice if you get cranked up by anything. If you do, just take a deep breath and be patient with yourself as you consider looking at things in a new way. If you've had certain beliefs for your entire life, don't expect everything to change overnight.

Practice affirming new beliefs for yourself.

Old Belief #1: Money is the root of all evil.

If you feel guilty about receiving a lot of money, or tell yourself that you don't care about money or need a lot of it - you have this belief in some form. How would you feel telling a family member that you were going to earn a million dollars this year? Listen to the thoughts that come into your mind as you imagine this scenario. That will tell you what you REALLY believe about receiving a lot of money.

If you feel any form of guilt or undeserving, you are pushing abundance away from you, even if you think you want it.

New Belief #1: Money is Energy.

Money is really an energy exchange. The more you can be of service to people by providing products and services that they need in a leveraged way, you will receive more money. If you are employed by a company, you are still offering a service to that company. Money needs to flow, and you need to be willing to receive the energy that comes to you for offering your service.

Old Belief #2: I don't need much money; I have enough to survive.

This is sooo common among spiritual people! This belief has also come from past lives where you were involved in spiritual service. You felt that if you had more, others would miss out. Did you make a vow of poverty in a past life? Release yourself now from that bondage and guilt.

New Belief #2: I deserve to receive riches and abundance.

Realize that you having more does not make anyone else miss out. In fact, it helps people. Look at how many people Oprah can employ and help because she is wealthy. Appreciate the beautiful things you have in your life and enjoy them. If you are just trying to get by and pay your bills, I can tell you that you are not living your life purpose. Not having enough money is too much of an energy drain for you to fearlessly embrace your gifts and purpose. It keeps you stuck in fear and worry, not in the place of service and joy that you need to be in order to give your purpose to the world.

Old Belief #3: People who have a lot of money are greedy and selfish.

This belief was such a great way to manipulate people back in medieval Europe! If rich people are greedy, horrible people, of course you don't want money! A belief formed that in order to be a nice person, you have to be poor. Well, I've met many extremely nice, caring people who have a lot of money.

Sure, there are some selfish people in the world. But there are rich selfish people and there are poor selfish people. The amount of money you have is not a factor in whether you are selfish or not! So if you are a nice, caring person, that's not going to change when you have more money. In fact, you will be able to be even more caring and giving because you will have abundance to share with others.

New Belief #3: Having more money enhances my positive qualities and allows me to be of greater service to others.

Think about how having more money will allow you to be of greater service. When I did this exercise myself, I realized that if I have more money available to me, I have the resources to rent larger rooms and do more advertising so I can be of service to many more people in my workshops. I'm here on the planet to share a message and help people connect with their angels. When I have more money, I can help so many more people!

Have fun integrating these new beliefs into your daily life. I would love to hear your progress!

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Author's Bio: 

Melissa Kitto, the Angel Guidance Coach, will show you how to tune in and communicate directly with your angels and experience the JOY of living your unique life purpose. Visit to receive your FREE Special Report, the 3 Secrets to Communicating with your Angels.