Most people are waiting, waiting, waiting for something outside of themselves to change.

They think that when it changes then life will suddenly take on a more hopeful light and then they can get the transformation they have been waiting for forever…

They forget that they are the ones with all the power and that any transformation they want is going to come from within them with gifts and magic skills that they already have but devalue.

Like Imagination

“The great successful men of the world have used their imagination…they think ahead and create their mental picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building – steadily building.”  – Robert Collier

Norms discount imagination while at the same time using it to create a life they do not like or enjoy.

Their imagination is a place of darkness where they imagine all the things that could go wrong and then they wonder why their life seems to recreate exactly what they imagine but they think that the event came before the imagining of the event.

But really what happened is that they expected to fail and they imagined failing and they got exactly that… FAILURE!

And the thing is they had lived out that failure so many times in their brains before it became a reality in their external life so really, life is no fun at all.

I have done this too…

Imagined all the worst case scenarios before they happened, lived them out in my brain, made myself feel completely hopeless about the situations I was not even facing yet and then I watched with horror as my worst imaginings started to be created in reality.

And then, I would spend even more unproductive time feeling sorry for myself and how tough my life was.

All the time, waiting for rescue, praying for rescue instead of recognising that I could become a whole lot more proactive about creating and designing a more fulfilling life for myself.

Have you ever done this?

Do you do this now?

The problem with using your imagination in such a counter-productive way is that your actions will follow wherever your thoughts have taken them.  You may not even realise you are doing this but you will permanently be reacting to situations that have not even taken place yet.

Bet because you are expecting them, your actions are all likely to be to defend yourself rather than to create a new reality.  I hope you understand what I am saying to you here…

For instance, if you expect to go broke and bankrupt and you spend time imagining that worst case scenario then your actions will be all about being conservative and saving money and reducing expenses and tightening your belt etc.

And no one, NO ONE ever got rich with their whole focus on preventing going broke.

People who get rich spend more time imagining getting rich, creating wealth, and thinking about what their life will look like and so then their actions are more expansive, they start to think up and act on ideas to create wealth, they expect things to work out and so they are more willing to try new things rather than just defend themselves against things going wrong.

Can you see what I mean?

So, can I suggest a 3 minute exercise

Right now, whip out your journal and write down the answer to this question

“If there were no limits, what would I be, do, have?”

A simple question, I know and yet it comes with powerful transforming abilities because it makes you start to use that superpower – the imagination – for your good, rather than for your downfall and constriction.

Forget about how you will do it all, that is something you can figure out day by day as you start to take more expansive actions based on what you want to be, do, have…

But start here…

Simply answer the question, every day.

Use your imagination to really feel, see, taste, experience the answer to this daily 3 minute question and then take the next inspired action that comes out of that.

Imagine yourself as exactly the person who is living out your perfect life, then you can ask yourself, “What did I do to create it?” and then take that step.

Don’t overthink how you are going to make it happen because no one is quite blessed with such prophetic knowledge – What you are blessed with is the ability to take the first step towards what you want to have, be, do.

So, just take the first step…


Simple exercise

Will you do it?

And more importantly, will you keep doing it? and keep taking the next inspired action (even when it seems impossible) until reality matches imagination?

The choice is yours!

And hey, I am putting together a resource for you 70 Simple Secrets Of A More Fulfilling, Successful Life” with simple strategies for a life that impacts others and creates wealth for you and yours.  Do you want it?  Pop on over to to grab it

Here is an invitation to you…

I have created a home for us – a place for people who resonate with the thoughts in this book. There are many more things I could have shared but I had to stop somewhere and give you a taste of the thinking that led me to create this space.

It is a space I call the Deliberate Millionaire Fast Track Group.

It is for you who have big ideas, maybe not enough follow through but definitely a desire to live a more fulfilling experience of life.

It is for you, if you know you are called to more than you are currently experiencing and you want to be among others who want to move up too.

It is a place of daily awakening to the power within you and it is a place to get all your questions answered. It is a safe place and you will create more wealth while in there…

I originally created it just for entrepreneurs but this is the thing, I am called to people who want more and are willing to do what it takes to create more and really, it does not matter whether you call yourself an entrepreneur or not.

You may want to impact young people with your story and you don’t know how or if you can…

You may want to write a book while continuing in your employment…

You may want to be in ministry…

You may want to begin or ramp up your business…

Ultimately, you have a calling and you want to fulfill it in some way…

And whatever it is, you are ready to become a lot more deliberate about designing your life…

The Deliberate Millionaire is for you.

I invite you to experience it for 60 days – You will have a conversation with me within that first 60 days and I will give you the exact strategy you need to move forward.

Take full part in the daily checkins, ask your questions, take part in the training that is delivered to you on a weekly basis from an ever increasing catalogue of leadership, sales, marketing training programs…

Experience it all and if you do not like it, just tell me on Day 59 and I will refund you completely on any investment you have made to that point.

Find out more at

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online