A good dog trainer will give you all the knowledge necessary to learn how effectively and positively influence your dog’s behavior, by teaching you how to clearly communicate with your dog and also understand your dog’s own ways of communication; essential for raising a well-adjusted, obedient, friendly and happy dog.

To choose the best trainer you must be prepared, as you will soon find out, there are plenty of opinions, techniques, styles and professionals to choose from, which can prove to be very confusing and overwhelming for anybody.

However, knowing what you want, what you need, where to get it and what to expect is crucial to ultimately finding that dog trainer that will deliver everything you need to know to get the results that you want.

* Prepare Yourself

Being informed and well prepared will give you the knowledge and confidence that will allow you know how to determine who will be the best trainer for you and your dog.

Learning about the basics of dog obedience, will be extremely valuable when evaluating prospective trainers and their methods for training dogs. That basic knowledge will give you the advantage of being on familiar terms with them and the ability to easily recognize those that offer what you are looking for.

* Know where to find a good dog trainer

The most reliable way to find a good trainer is by getting a good reference from a trustworthy source.

Therefore, don’t ask a prospective trainer to give you a list of his own references, since there is a high probability that those references could be phony and there is no way for you verify that.

Instead, ask someone you can trust, to refer you to a good trainer.

Ask your veterinarian, a reputable breeder or a rescue organization for a recommendation, they usually are very selective about the dog trainers they refer their clients to, because that also puts their reputation on the line.

You can also ask other dog owners to refer you to a good trainer, they are a great source because they will advice you based on their own experiences.

However, no matter who gives you a recommendation or what source you use to find a dog trainer, always do your research, ask the right questions and make your own assessment about what is best for your dog.

Author's Bio: 

Social Canine provides dog obedience training and behavior consulting services, dog rescue and a dog owners support website (http://www.dog-obedience-and-behavior-support.com) that provides a complete source of information to help dog owners become the best dog owners they can be, raising healthy, happy and well behaved dogs; creating a strong bond of trust and respect with their dogs in the process.