Even though wheatgrass side effects are mild in nature, you should know that there are ways to minimize their impact by following a few simple steps. It is such a versatile plant health-wise that it would be a shame to pass on it because of a few possible discomforts.

Wheatgrass has been known all over the globe for its many health improving substances and nutrients. There are reports and testimonies that it improves the immune-system, circulation, helps build blood count and much more via the power of live enzymes, vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll.

The most common wheatgrass side effects include mild nausea, headache sometimes paired with nausea, diarrhea and, on rare occasions, allergies.

Nausea represents a symptom that usually occurs as a result of consuming wheatgrass before or after having a meal. Wheatgrass juice should be consumed on an empty stomach and, if it’s possible, early in the morning so that the effects are maximized. Wheatgrass should be taken no less than an hour after or before a meal. Sometimes, nausea can occur in new users not accustomed to its unique taste, or the amount taken was too much for their bodies to process. With time nausea subsides and eventually you get used to the taste.

Adding some honey and lime juice can greatly improve the unusual taste some people may have problems with.

Another one of those annoying wheatgrass side effects is headache, which is sometimes coupled with nausea and it may occur due to the detoxifying properties of wheatgrass. As we consume wheatgrass the body flushes the toxins and causes these side effects. It is important to drink as much water as you can to excrete these toxins as fast as possible.

Next on our list is diarrhea which is caused by consumption of too much wheatgrass over a short period of time, typical to the new consumer. You must incorporate wheatgrass in your diet slowly, an ounce a day in the beginning then, after a week or so, gradually start increasing on the amount. Ultimately you want to be taking no more than three ounces a day.

Allergic reactions are a major health concern and should be taken seriously. People allergic to wheat or molds should stay away from wheatgrass and search some other way to supplement their diet. There are several types of molds that inhabit wheatgrass. Some are pathogenic while others are not. The development of molds can be inhibited by using proper growing techniques.

Allergic reactions are possible for people who are allergic to wheat and they should steer clear of wheatgrass products. Allergic reactions include skin rash, throat swelling and breathing difficulties. Some people are allergic to molds and they should avoid wheatgrass because the wheatgrass that has not been grown in the right conditions is quite prone to molds.

Applying these few tips can greatly inhibit the occurrence of these wheatgrass side effects so you can enjoy your wheatgrass and its health boosting nutrients.

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Boost your health by getting every single drop from your wheatgrass using a hand crank juicer. These are masticating juicers and the cream of the crop is the Huricane wheatgrass juicer.