How do you keep a man?

How do you attract and keep a man in love with you and make him so fixated on you that no other woman can ‘steal’ him away even if they try?

Or how do you sustain your relationship so that your man never thinks about leaving you?


…follow these 6 simple rules and steps:

  1. take care of you – your outward attractiveness
  2. good emotional feelings inside him
  3. appreciate and respect him
  4. show appreciation for his efforts
  5. be desirable (this is a powerful way to keep a man)
  6. then, maintain your attractiveness and desirability

Let’s get into detail.

Before You Start Dating, Read This…

And Before You Get into A Relationship, Read This…

How to Keep a Man

To keep a man, first…

…take care of YOU (step #1)

By this, I mean your outward attractiveness.

This is everything from your hairstyle, your skin, to the dresses you wear. And including your scent.

You want to look pretty (dressed-up), with healthy skin, and devoid of foul odors to kindle the man’s desire for you immensely.

You see, when a man or your man sees you and you’re looking all messy and have an unpleasant odor, it will cause him to lose interest in you. Not to mention, fall for a woman who is well-groomed and devoid of odors.

That said, to keep a man…

  • take care of your skin
  • shower or bathe to stay clean and fresh all the time
  • use a good deodorant
  • shave your armpits to reduce foul odors
  • tend to your fingernails and toenails… keep them nice
  • use cologne if you can… you want to smell incredibly nice too
  • and wear nice dresses… you don’t have to spend expensively on dresses and shoes to look attractive to keep a man… just go simple and nice.

This may seem somewhat unimportant or not worth it, but the little things you do will go a long way to make a man fall obsessively in love with you.

So take care of YOU.

When a man sees you and you’re looking all messy and have an unpleasant odor, it will cause him to lose interest in you.

Moving on.

The next way or the next step to keep a man is to…

…stir up good emotional feelings inside him (step #2)

What do I mean by this?


Show interest in your man’s life – in other words, talk about the things he wants to talk about and listen to him talk about the things he wants to talk about, sharing his feelings and experiences with you.

As simple as that.

This will stir up good emotional feelings inside him and make him feel good, and make him want, desire, and need you more than ever before.

You see, we men are emotional people… even if we don’t know it or admit it.

When you listen to us talk about the things we want to talk about, sharing our passions and ideas and feelings and experiences, and you show genuine interest, it stirs up good emotional feelings inside us and we experience an emotional feeling of attraction toward you, and our attraction and desire for you grows substantially.

We feel most valued, and this dramatically increases our attraction for you.

When you demonstrate this with your man, he will ignore all your shortcomings or flaws and will love you regardless of it.

So, to stir up good emotional feelings inside a man…

…listen attentively to him talk about the things that he wants to talk about, then genuinely take an interest in it – don’t fake it.

Allow him to talk about things or topics that interest him, things or topics that are emotionally relevant to him, then show interest in them.

By saying “Allow him”, I mean, don’t interrupt him when he talks, and don’t change the subject abruptly… you must let them finish.

Be a willing ear as he talks and shares his passion and ideas with you. And nod in agreement and occasionally mutter comments to demonstrate to him that you’re listening attentively.

Then ask them follow-up questions when necessary.

Listen to your man tell his stories and share his feelings and excitement with you.

Appreciate what he loves or has a passion for, and show interest in it.

Genuinely like what he likes, enjoy what he enjoys, and do stuff together.

Get involved in his life and show him you care.

Again, don’t fake it.

And when it’s all said and done, demonstrate understanding and empathy – make him feel that he’s being heard.

To develop empathy…

…put yourself in his shoes during a conversation and see his side of things.

You don’t need to agree with him… you just need to understand him.

The results

When you love what your man loves, you are not only giving to him what he truly craves from you, but you are also suggesting a commonality between you and him, and thus, will keep him desiring you over the long haul.

Men are emotional people even if we don’t know it or admit it.

Here’s a secret tip:

When your man brings up a topic or you find them talking enthusiastically about something – this is something of interest to them, something they’re passionate about – know that it is such an important part of their life and they most definitely want to talk about it.

Here, let them talk about it…

…don’t interrupt them, don’t change the subject, don’t be fixated on your phone, and don’t let your eyes wander around.

Be a willing ear and show interest.

And even encourage them to talk more about it.

Say things like:

  • “Really! How?”
  • “Tell me more”
  • “Tell me about it”
  • “So what happened?”

…then genuinely take an interest in it.

Let’s look at a scenario:

  • You: “How was the party?”
  • Her: “It was a blast… I had so much fun”
  • You: “Really! Tell me more. What happened”

Encourage them to talk more about what they say and make them feel what they say is of importance and they too are of importance to you.

You see, all that we all need is someone to listen to our stories for several minutes.

And your man will fall so in love with you and will never think about leaving you.

So if you want to keep a man, stir up good emotional feelings inside them, and you will automatically increase his attraction and desire for you.

The more he experiences good emotions when with you, the more he will feel an emotional feeling of attraction toward you.

If You’re In A Long Distance Relationship – WATCH THIS

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When you love what your man loves, you are not only giving to him what he truly craves from you, but you are also suggesting a commonality between you and him.

Moving on.

The third on the list on how to keep your man is to…

…appreciate and respect him (step #3)

Respect is very important to men.

Every man has a very strong inner desire to be respected by a woman.

When a man feels disrespected, his attraction and desire and attention for you will lower. Most men will withdraw without making it obvious to their woman or verbalizing the fact that he is feeling disrespected.

But when you appreciate and respect a man, when you accept your man as who he is and respect him – even in his strengths and weaknesses – he will shower you with so much love and attention that you won’t be able to handle it.

This will do wonders for your relationship. [Read: ‘What Makes for An Enjoyable and Fulfilling Relationship’]

That said…

How do you appreciate a man and show respect for him? Or how do you ensure your man doesn’t feel disrespected and unappreciated?

  1. appreciate and love what he loves or has a passion for
  2. recognize and respect his choices
  3. don’t nag him for something he didn’t do
  4. don’t be preoccupied with his flaws nor find flaws in him
  5. do not compare him with other men nor remark what he lacks

…and other things you feel will make him feel disrespected.

You see, lasting love happens when you are heard, understood, and appreciated by your partner despite your differences.

WATCH THIS VIDEO: Why Compatibility Is More Important Than Chemistry

Respect is very important to men.

To the next step and way to keep a man…

Step #4: Appreciate his efforts

By this, I mean, be grateful (show appreciation) for the things or the nice things your man does for you.

For instance, when he pays for dinner or buys you a gift and even cooks for you…

…say, “thank you”.

“Thank you for dinner.”

“Thank you for the present, I really appreciate it.”

“Thank you for cooking dinner for me. It was so good!”

Add remarks like…

“You’re the best!”

“I really appreciate it.”

“I’m glad to have you in my life.”

“You’re the most genuine person I’ve ever come across.”

…then give him a hug or a peck on the cheek.

This will make him feel good and he will want to do more nice things for you, and consequently keeps the relationship going for the long haul.

You see, we men always want to please our women…

…and with that, we secretly want our efforts to be recognized and appreciated.

We fantasize about doing nice things and favors for you… and we secretly want to be praised.

We don’t mind buying you stuff and paying for your expenses out of the goodness of our hearts and without wanting anything in return. But only recognition and appreciation.

And when we get recognition and appreciation, it makes us feel amazing and valued.

You see, when a man does something nice for you, he does it because he likes you, he does it because you’re worthy of such good treatment – he’s framed you in a favorable light.

Never belittle it or ignore it nor say things like “You shouldn’t have”. This will make him feel unappreciated and unvalued, and thus, will have a negative consequence on the relationship.

That said, to be in a man’s good books and make sure you don’t lose him… when he does something nice for you, show appreciation.

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Men secretly want their efforts to be recognized and appreciated.

Step #5: Be desirable

Make your man want, desire, and need you… and we’ve already talked about taking care of you (step #1).

Another way to be desirable is to occasionally cook nice and delicious meals for him. [Read: ‘The One Thing About Women Men Value More Than Good Looks’]

This is a powerful way to keep a man – it can outweigh any flaws in physical appearance.

I believe you’ve heard the saying, “a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”?

True, if you don’t mess up. [Read: ‘The 5 Unattractive Behaviors That Can Lower Your Attractiveness to a Guy’ and ‘The 5 Distasteful Behaviors That Can Cause Guys to Lose Interest and Attraction for You’]

Moving on…

So, to keep a man, occasionally cook nice and delicious meals for him.

This will make him fall so in love with you that he will want to marry you. It will turn you into the ultimate dream person he will want to marry someday, provided you’re not already.

Trust me, cooking a great meal for a man will make him feel a strong inner need to be with you.

By fusing the other steps mentioned in this article, you will be a man’s ‘good’ choice, his one… and you will sustain the relationship effortlessly and flawlessly to the point where he will literally worship you and will never think about leaving you.

So again, to keep a man, occasionally cook nice and delicious meals for him.

Get yourself a cookbook or find a few good recipes on the Internet.

If You’re Begging to Be In Love – WATCH THIS

A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

When all is said and done – and this takes us to my final step on how to keep a man…

…maintain your attractiveness and desirability (step #6)

Never stop being attractive and desirable.

Don’t get lazy and take things for granted.

Maintain the behavior that got you the man in the first place.

Stay hot. Look good.

Keep being attractive and desirable, or else your man will gradually lose interest in you.

The fact that a man is committed (or slips the ring on) doesn’t mean you should relax and stop putting effort into yourself and the relationship…

…because when your attractiveness and desirability drop, so will your man’s attention, attraction, and desire for you.

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So there you have it…

…how to keep a man.

Follow these 6 steps and rules, and you’re guaranteed to keep a man.

I hope this article has given you a deep insight into how to keep a man.

Author's Bio: 

Josh Manuel is not a relationship therapist. He's not a pick-up artist. But he brings you quality information on dating and relationships. He offers the best dating tips and relationship advice that will change your love life today. He shares his experiences with you in the hopes that they help you improve your personal relationship with women. You can find his blog at