Wish to stay isolated


It is growing in me the desire to isolate myself...


"With Love accept that this wish can increase more and more.
The more you contact your Essence, the more you listen to your Soul, the more you feel the greatness of your Soul, the more you sense the invisible, the more you’ll feel a desire to be alone, that many things disturb you.
Serenely accept this desire, love it, because it will take you to achieve freedom from everything and everyone, not to need anything and anyone.
With joy create these moments of union with the Whole, remaining alone. Discover the beauty of solitude, of your uniqueness, of your totality.
Despite feeling a cell, while remaining a cell, you can join to the Whole.
Savour this being alone, but not for too long: you have chosen to live, to experience, to discover, but also to help, to donate.
With confidence, stay among people to learn the union, to feel united with the Whole while feeling a cell, to understand your individuality, to learn to stay alone in serenity.
Then enjoy these moments of solitude, to regenerate, to strengthen yourself, with total contact with Light, feeling your heart fuse to Mine.
Alternate these moments, experiencing everything with joy. "


I understood that my task is now living among the people, but I feel so much the desire to retire, to get away from everything and everyone.


"Always, when people understand their task, they walk into a bright path, loving it as you love it, they feel at the same time also the urge to leave all, to go far away.
This is because you discover the essence of life with your heart, the futility of many things in the world. Then you want to disconnect and go away.
But if you do this before you have completed your mission, a thread will remain that will remind you the task chosen by your Soul, the mission not accomplished.
Leave room for this desire, but live your mission with enthusiasm, knowing that, only this way, the heart can live in
complete peace, in real serenity, and your Soul will be free, it will become even brighter.
Dream, baby, of what you want, but also dream of where and how you can live your mission, expand your Light, donate your Essence.
Give space to your need to feel in touch with the Universe, knowing that, after completing your task, your mission, you will be in joy and peace. "


I no longer feel enthusiasm for the things that I used to like.


"Often when you start to know your Essence, to feel your Soul, to perceive the real invisible world, it is very difficult that something outside can bring that enthusiasm that it gave you in the past.
This is because a part of you feels that nothing and no one can satisfy your heart, if not your Soul, and the things you do for your Soul.
In the Awakening of the Soul this often happens.
But here you need balance, awareness, otherwise escapes occur.
Be aware that when we wake up, nothing more in the world can attract as before.
Love the small things around you. They give you small joys that will create great joy, that will take you to be joyful, to live everything with Love and gratitude.
It may be the birdsong to make your heart light, the dawn to dissolve any sadness, the sunset to give you peace.
Rejoice for the sun, the wind, for the warmth of a home that welcomes you, a bed where you can rest, food: this is becoming excited about the journey of life, without deluding for anything.
This is the necessary balance in life.
Do not regret if in a thing that you live, you do not have the total enthusiasm. Bring all your joyfulness, put all your efforts to make it the best possible, and do it with as much lightness as possible.
Love everything you live, realizing that everything can help you to grow, that everything is part of the design of your Soul.
You will see that this will get you to have the enthusiasm that the journey of the Soul requires, with the understanding that this adventure makes the Soul more beautiful, creates evolution.
You will feel you love all to become Love, you'll be thankful and joyous for all, knowing you are detached from everything."

Live the present


I would like to learn to live in the present, and only the knowledge of my Soul ...


"This can happen by leaving what the mind knows, so that what the Soul knows can emerge, what your Soul brought, that the heart acknowledged.
You can make a game: imagine a sheet full of words that express our understanding of the mind, you see that I give you a luminous rubber, and with it delete everything written in that paper, to be able to write on it only the knowledge of the Soul.
Delete with joy, with Me, all the knowledge of the mind, without fear, without thinking that it is wrong, think only that it had its time.
Then I will lead your hand while writing new emotions and awareness, new expressions, the knowledge of the Soul.
Get guided smiling, knowing that in every start it is natural to be uncertain.
Get guided calmly, remembering that the mind always will tell you that all its knowledge is important, all right, it is essential for you.
Humbly recognize that your steps are uncertain, whether you feel uncertainty or not, only this way they will become safe.
Do not leave room for any fear, remembering that, when there is the choice of something new, the complete opening of the heart, there may be suffering, and there is a chance to heal from injuries.
You can now hear this deleting as something intense, great, but don't fear anything: only in this way the Whole get inside of you, can bring you to live a New of joy, Love, in harmony, in peace."


How can I be certain that I closed with my past?


"Choose with determination to close it and leave it behind you, feeling that I will help you in this.
Be sure that when you choose to close a door, We donate the bolts which make sure that nothing and nobody can reopen that door.
If you feel that something of the past recalls your look back, take your look to Heaven.
If you feel that the past knocks on the door, sing not to hear that call.
If you feel that something, beyond the door that you closed, draws your attention, smile at Me, look those you have around and give Love, give Light.
And the time will come when you won't feel any attraction, the past will not knock on your door anymore, because everything will be dissolved.
That past has had its own purpose, and after achieving this, then dissolves.
That's why you can experience this peacefully, bringing your gaze at Heaven, feeling light-hearted. "

How to live emotions


How can I live my emotions?


"Always accept with Love all expressions of the heart and body.
Let all your emotions flow, then return to your centre, where you can remember that everything is part of a plan that you have chosen to live, that everything changes and will change.
So you will learn to live any emotion, with the necessary detachment that allows you to quickly return to peace of the heart, of the Soul.
Protect the peace you're winning, do not allow anything or anyone to take it away, even for a moment.
This you can do if, when an emotion comes, you say aloud:
–This will change too, this is an opportunity that my Soul has chosen to grow, to evolve.
And you'll hear the heart whispering:
–Nothing matters but Love, but Light –.
And you repeat this loudly.
At that moment you will feel surrounded by Love and Light, you'll feel Daughter of Love, of Light.
Live in harmony with the Universe while walking the streets of the world. This harmony nobody can take away from you, if you protect it remembering who you are, remembering that you are walking in a Luminous Path.
Never be afraid of your emotions, express them, leave to them the necessary space, let them flow: only so they will pass, they will melt away.
And always keep your eyes to the Heaven, your heart united to Mine, your Soul in the Light. "

What to do to increase the feeling

“… Everyone has a way of feeling, of looking.
Remember that from your Past Lives you brought a great feeling.
Let the mind go completely, with courage go beyond any fears.
Keep your heart candid, follow your Soul before everything, let flow your feeling now. It's like leaving a river flowing: new water will come.
If you let your feeling of now flow, the Past Lives will resurface, a greater and more total feeling will be created. "

“… Live many moments of silence to perceive what pulses in the heart, to perceive the language of the Soul, the language of the Universe, to hear My words. Listen to the wind, the fire, the water, the earth.
Sit down next to a tree and stay silent.
Listen to the birds singing, to what earth whispers. Speak to the earth, the wind, the water, the fire, the birds, the trees, the flowers, and all the Creatures in the Universe.
Then again stay and hear everything, in total silence. That's how you will get in contact with the New Love that throbs in the Universe, that will join you to the Universe, you will savour the thrill of this great Love.
This Love will help you achieve a great perception of the subtle that vibrates around you. You'll have a new feeling, a new sensitivity. Everyone has a different story, a different project, so there are different times for everything, even to get to the great feeling.
But if in the heart there is purity, candour, if you hear in the heart the voice of the Soul, you inevitably get to the great feeling, to perceive the Whole. "


How can I understand if what I feel is real?

"When you meet someone, when you hear the words of someone, and you have doubts about your acting, about your feeling, breathe deeply and listen to your heart, be attentive to what vibrates in it. If that vibration shakes you, intimidates you, annoys you, you know that what you are feeling is a help to detach, to understand to let go, to protect you. When in your heart lightness and joy vibrate, you understand that you can live that thing.
This, even when you feel pain or suffering that touches the heart, but you don't feel fear or rejection. Then, imagine getting inside your heart, see yourself wrapped in Light, call Me and ask Me to help you, to reassure you, to confirm your feeling.
My love and Light will lead you understand what you feel. But remember that real feel requires purity of heart, the absence of needs, the removal of the personality, be ready to let protections go, to live the changes. Be aware that even an unhealed heart can tarnish the feeling.
But if the heart chose to follow Soul first, to leave it free, the Soul will take you aids, I'll take you aids. Live so in serenity, and you will be fully protected by Light, by My Love. "


With my feeling, can I interpret the dreams and visions that I have?


"When a vision or a dream appears, with your heart try to 'feel' that image, observe everything from the above, because even these images can be means to confirm what you had heard, what you had guessed before.
But never approach that vision, that dream, to the mind. Then, ask Me the help to understand that dream, that vision while you live your daily life, saying thus:
–If this is good for me, I wish to understand what happened with the heart-.
Then, live the present serenely, letting everything go. If necessary you will understand.
Remember that even a memory, a need, a desire, a past, a wound may bring dreams and visions.
Sometimes the dreams and visions can be also the perception of the invisible, intuition of what is incomprehensible to the mind. Then let it all flow, live serene, keep your eyes to Heaven."

Importance of choices

“... The choice creates a lot in everything.
If you do it with the heart, it creates a lot within and without you.
It allows you to get where you chose. It can allow something that at the moment is unknown, to get to you. The choice creates, transforms, leads, calls, and allows everything to Us. This happens if the choice is made only with candid heart, with a pure intent, to follow the Soul. If it is done with awareness, responsibility and caution. Of course the choice requires a following action. Each choice brings everything, but also invokes some trials, which are actually just opportunities to live the choice, they are tests, opportunities, growths."


How can I make my choices?


"Only with the heart and to follow the Heart. Feel everything with the heart first, and everything make start from the heart, to leave the Soul free to live its plan. Only this way you're sure you can live with joy all the changes that the choices lead, draw the essential, draw what is unimaginable to you now. If you make a selection with the mind, or pushed by the needs, if you're clung to illusions, to securities, you create something that raises barriers, and these lock what can arrive, prevent gifts from coming to you. Choices require responsibility, foresight, abandonment and joy. They create the foundation of what we will erect in future, they create the beginning of what We will complete. Always be careful to your daily life, aware of what it entails, and dream the unimaginable, wish the impossible, choose it, and ask Me to bring it to you, if it's good for you, for your Soul. This is living intensely, tasting, savouring, enjoying, for everything that you have, and being ready to leave everything, to change everything, to live even more in joy, in Love.
It is so that, following the Soul you find yourself, bringing the gaze to Heaven you find your centre, you express your Essence. Always be cautious, careful, shrewd, and then, totally confident, joyful, abandoned, feel the excitement of the adventure that that choice will create. "

“… Be careful not to approach the word 'waiver' to the word 'choice'.
It is inevitable that choosing one thing leads to renounce to others, otherwise you wouldn’t call it choice, but this renouncing should not create sadness. And all life requires continuous choices. To understand why it is not good to talk about waivers, experience with Me what the words 'choice' and 'waiver' create in you. When you want to make a choice, say aloud:
–With joy I choose this.
And then listen to your heart, listen to what vibrates within you.
Later, always aloud, say:
–Now I renounce to this –.
And bring attention to what you're renouncing to.
Inevitably the joy drops, enthusiasm disappears.
Renouncing makes you feel you are loosing, while choosing is like receiving, like creating.
Then, feel only you're choosing, without feeling you are renouncing. And when you choose, feel the joy of being free to choose ... "

“... The choices require to be followed by intentions, thoughts, actions, vibrations, in harmony with them. All so living will be easy and the heart will remain light. Be careful that the daily life does not take you joy, enthusiasm, that choice has created, which must accompany the choice, because this can easily happen. If you don’t put joy and enthusiasm in choices, instead of living them, you get away from them.
Entering the wave of joy, enthusiasm, you live in lightness, in peace, in quiet, in harmony.
If you descend from this wave, the heart will weigh down, the steps slow down, the things that are coming stop."


Why the person who made my same choice, is not well now?


"In this moment it is good for you to remove the look from this heart, because looking at what is happening, could weigh down your heart.
Then, be careful not to leave space for judgements.
And now, so that you can be certain that your choice will continue to bring you the joy in you have now in the heart, I help you to understand how it can happen what has happened. In the choice, the candour, purity, humility, simplicity, must be real, they must be in the intimate, in the depth.
If these are expressed with words, but they are not real, if there are not pure intentions, that choice serves to nothing, as well as the steps, actions, words, though all this may appear Light or Love.
You can walk a Path of Light, you can perform actions, but if the thought is not bright, the intention is not pure, the journey will stop anyway.
The same thing happens when the choice is a choice of mind and remains so. When it is done with words, but not with the heart.
When it is not followed by thoughts, steps, actions, expressions, in harmony with it.
Then the program of the Soul cannot be completed, you cannot reach the goal, you cannot conquer the peak, and, often, you are located in the opposite direction, or in suffering. But remember that this stopping, changing direction, going back, is always a choice, made freely, knowingly.
When we don’t live the choices made, restlessness, disquiet start, and these are some alerts, some bells. But nobody, even less Us can oblige to continue living the choice made.
Imagine you're in a path and choose to walk in the sun: you can't receive what the sun can give you, if you move and walk in the shadow ... When a choice is made with the mind or the ego, these then lead to actions that are opposed to the choice. Then you create a big confusion, you attract the suffering. When you walk into a path of light, nothing is more dangerous than contradictions, inconsistency, lying to others and to ourselves for non luminous advantages.
If you want to change a choice, you must express it with clarity, with integrity.
Always you remain free, and even to change the choices made, and redo them again. "


Can physical fatigue, listlessness, be a signal of lack of consistency with the choices?


“Yes. And they can be also a consequence of a too long stop on out path, if we don’t dive with enthusiasm in living the choice made. That's why the choices must be made with Love and joy, in total freedom.
When you make a choice, the Soul push you to live it. If you resist these forces, fatigues, and sometimes difficulty in body arise, you invoke ‘winds’ that should not be there. When you choose to dive in a sea to reach the treasures it contains, dive into it with joy, do not stand on the beach. When you are reaching the top, do not stand, because you could feel the fatigue of the journey that will prevent you from feeling the excitement of reaching the peak. Often you don’t plunge into the sea for fear of leaving things on the beach, some certainties. Often you stop on the way fearing that, reaching the top, means letting go someone or something.
But even these are choices and free choices. Now you can understand that there is an immense freedom: although the Soul chose a sea, a mountain, you can always stop before you reach the top or swim in the sea. Remember that in our seas you can dive even if you don't know how to swim, because We swim with you.
But to touch the depths of the sea, where there are the treasures you're looking for, you don't have to have wires that hold you to shore. To achieve the high peaks, you can't have any weights that make climbing too strenuous.
Just so you can feel the lightness to walk along with Me, to dive with Me. "


What happens if I live without making any choices?


"This cannot be, because also doing no choice is a choice ... When there are situations that require a choice, and a heart continues to live that situation without choosing, loses energy, sends vibrations of confusion, and often takes energy to hearts which has next to it. If that situation continues, or is a particularly risky situation, or requires a great choice, in the heart that does not choose may enter feelings of non light, non love. And that heart can then bring around it, or in other hearts, these and other feelings of lack of light, of love. Be aware of this to protect you and to be able to get away.
Yet stay serene, because not only you will be able to feel it, but also to see it, and I will help you to understand and I will protect you.”


This awareness is creating me now some fears.


"No, little girl. What you feel are not fears, but the magnitude of feeling responsible for your life.
Awareness, knowledge of the Soul, can never create fears, because they allow true choice.
Now smile and give Me what you feel. Life always requires choices, everything is a choice.
With Love give to those that are next to you, to those you meet, the awareness that you know, but then let them free. This also when you see that the heart that does not choose, suffers. This is feeling free, this is letting totally free. If one day you choose not to continue the Path of Light that you're taking, that your Soul has chosen, and you do it consciously, you express yourself with integrity, with clarity, simplicity, you'll feel totally free to choose to stop you there, anything painful can happen to you, nothing will happen.
Of course, always you will always hear your Soul which invites you to go on, because that it chose, but agreeing to hear this call, you can stop at any time, you can always choose differently from the plan of your Soul. And if you choose to continue your journey, don't be afraid.
If you want to reassure your heart, ask Me this every day:
–Are my intention, my thoughts, my pace, my action, my expression, clear? Are they simple? Are they in humility? Are they luminous? Are they of Love? Are they intended to illuminate, to give Love, to follow the Soul? –
Then keep silence and listen to your intimate, deep in the heart. If the answer of the heart is Yes, go serene, joyous and do not fear anything. As usual, for everything integrity, simplicity, candour and attention to our intimate part are needed.
Nothing can be hidden to our Soul, to Us, although you can hide it very well to those who are next to you. "

The conception


I wish so much a child and at the same time I have a great fear.


"Part of this fear, in fact, has another name: responsibility. You are feeling that in you will enter a Soul to accompany, a heart to be protected. It is a Soul who can be helped to shine like a sun in the sky, or blurred. You have understood that a baby is not a baby, but is a Soul who chooses a body for something big.
It is what you now feel in your heart
And you confuse the feeling this responsibility, with fear.
Responsibility is a very luminous, very beautiful, very important thing. But your choice is conditioned by your experience too.
Life for you was not easy, and this rises in you the doubt not being able to support a Soul in her difficulties, or experience them together. And part of you would like this Soul never met any difficulties.
I assure you with Love: you're capable of supporting a Soul, to live with a Soul the difficulties that this meets, to accompany a Soul. You know that every Soul has its own story, and that, however, it must live it alone. It can have someone beside that can help, but its trials, its challenges are just its own, and it will live them alone, with its strength, its courage. But you also know that We help you in everything, we give you what you need to experience what the Soul has chosen, and that with Us nothing is impossible.
Also, you have understood that a child takes away many personal freedoms, does not allow you to choose at any time what you want to do or not do. Don’t call it fear, but awareness. See then that the great fear that you feel is simply a collection of many things. Help a Soul to join the body and accompany her in life, requires this responsibility, this awareness, because it is a very big choice.
If you make this choice with responsibility and awareness, you avoid suffering, delusions, illusions. Love then this responsibility, this awareness, and then open to the joys that there are in accompanying a child to life.
It would be risky for you, for your partner, for the same child, to prepend the joys to everything, stop only on the joys, because in this way you are not ready to live moments of natural difficulties that everyone meets in accompanying a child to life. Accept with Love how deficiencies, gaps that you've met, the suffering that you have lived, influence this decision, and let everything flow. Keep your heart open, watch the Heaven, join the Heaven. Share your feelings with your partner, who is next to you, no longer call them fears, and feel serene whatever your choice. With this responsibility, with this consciousness, feel free, remembering that I’m next to you to help you, protect you and love you intensely, whatever your choice. Don't be surprised if My words don’t lead you in any direction: Our words always bring simply awareness, clarity, and leave people completely free."

Dissolve fears and doubts


What are the things from which I have to defend myself?


"Don't think that you have to defend from something, because this thought leads you to fear. Feel that in certain situations at certain times you must protect yourself. This is very different. Live everything with awareness and observe things that upset you.
Everything that happens in everyday life, the relationships you have, the feelings that are in the heart, the emotions you feel, experience everything as an opportunity to grow, a means to live the plan that your soul has chosen. Observe everything with Love, feeling the joy of having these great opportunities, so you won’t think any more you must defend from something, and you won’t be afraid of anything. Think the journey you're making, the everyday life you live, is to make your Soul even more beautiful, to raise it. If you remember this continuously, you will love life, your journey, everything you will live. You will catch the Essence of life and the great occasions you'll encounter. So you will love your body as a beautiful means of the Soul, you will keep your heart candid and light to accompany your Soul.
This is the key to live life with joy, no matter what happens in life. This is the key to live the journey with enthusiasm, whatever you meet. Then you will feel that all can help you to raise your Soul, to live in Love, to give Love and Light around you. So, when you need, you will be able to protect yourself, but you’ll do it with serenity.
You will also know how to get away from a situation to protect you, but before you’ll know how to bring there Light and truth.
Live in joy knowing that I will help you in everything, I will protect you from everything. "


Often I feel some fears in living my task.


"Welcome this fear with humility, so live your task in humility, with joy. Then, give each fear to Me, ask for My help and if this is possible, stretch your hand to whoever is walking with you and can help you, to those you meet in your journey. When you feel fear, think it can be an opportunity to learn compassion towards those who are uncertain in their steps, you can learn a great humility that will get you high. Serenely ask for help, remembering that this will take you to donate aid around you with Love, with understanding, with humility.
Being able to help is always sweet, and also asking for help should be. Rejoice in giving Love, in helping, rejoice even in asking for Love, asking for help, thinking that your request will make happy those who will give you Love, will give you help. When you walk along a luminous Path you're never alone.
There is always a wanderer who may need help and Love.
There is always a wanderer that can stretch his hand to help you to live that moment, to overcome that obstacle, to understand that situation, to remind you that with Love and Light, everything passes, nothing is impossible.
And remember that We help and love through you. If you keep your heart in Mine, you will always feel My help, My love, and your path will be simple, your heart light, your Soul in peace. In this way, by illuminating it, you can turn a fear, a fix, an uncertainty, into a pearl, a pearl new for your Soul, a pearl you can donate to a heart that is living that uncertainty, is feeling that fear. Never leave room for concern. Observe them with awareness, accept them with Love, transform them with Light, give them to Me.
Remember that the fears are very dangerous, because they remove strength, prevent steps and actions, slow down the way, weaken the Belief. If you chose to follow your Soul, be ready to any change to do so. If you chose to leave everything in order to gain everything, be ready for anything. Live in Love, in Light, and in your heart there won’t be any concerns, but only joy. To be sure you don't leave any space for fear, call Me, smile at Me, and wonder aloud:
–What else I’m afraid of? Is there a fear in my heart? –
Be sure that awareness will come. Sometimes a small sign, a word is enough to understand. If you ask yourself this with integrity, you will allow Me to help you recognize everything, even what you don't immediately know how to recognize. "

Understanding the meaning of weariness, of difficulties,
of sufferings, and how to overcome them


What meaning has the difficulty I have in that place and with that person?


"Be aware that there are many difficulties in which you can learn, grow, become stronger and donate a lot. You who have chosen to donate, remember that you cannot sow in soil already planted. The ground can sometimes be plowed, but often it can’t. Sometimes you sow among the rocks. With this awareness watch from above any situation, with total detachment. Observe if there you can grow, you can learn, if you can gain strength, you can express your Essence, you can donate your seeds. If there isn’t anything of this, then it's time that you go from there. A difficulty can help you understand if that direction is not the right direction for you.
Sometimes difficulties are means to practice, to check what you learned, and your choices. When a difficulty has the purpose to help you grow, learn, or is an opportunity for change, if you go away from that difficulty, even if you go in a totally opposite direction, you will always find the same difficulty, maybe in different situations with new people. This is because until the Soul has not learned what she chose to learn, will always create situations to learn, even if you change your places. And for a growth, a healing, a lesson, the Soul can create many journeys.
And don't forget that everything can always change, and you're free to change everything. "


What can help me to overcome the difficulties I encounter?


"First of all feel them as opportunities, occasions, means, and accept them with serenity. Then, call Me and ask Me for help to live them down with joy, to feel the enthusiasm of that achievement that you will do there. The certainty of the conquest can be in the heart knowing that your Soul didn’t choose anything you're not ready to live, nothing gets to you that you're not ready to live, and that everything you meet in your Way requires less force than you have. Then express loudly that you have all the strength, you have all the skills to live that situation, in order to overcome that difficulty. Then, share with those who are next to you everything that you feel in your heart, and in the end always say aloud:
–I have the strength and the ability to experience all this and, thus, to win all. "


Sometimes I feel fragile in the face of a difficulty and I try to avoid it.


" It is your mind that makes you feel fragile. You're letting go a past and a known of the mind, you're letting go a way of life, you're breaking the rules, and it is natural that the mind does not want this, because the mind does not want the unknown, never wants to move.
So it makes you feel fragile so that you don't do this. You know that you have a lot of strength, I will always give you all the necessary strength, so feel the enthusiasm for what you can now live. Many situations can come to allow you to confirm the steps you did, to close forever a past of suffering, strengthen you in your Way. "


What meaning has the suffering?


"Suffering has many meanings. It can be a boost to choose another direction, an aid to continue, a growing medium, an opportunity for great possibilities unknown at the moment. Suffering transforms and leads to evolve. Tears are often necessary to dissolve, to poach, to purify. Suffering very often creates the changes that the Soul has chosen.
Feel it as a tool that you chose, because your Soul has chosen it. In doing so, not only the suffering has a meaning, but you will feel so totally different, you'll live it with a lot more force, much more lightly. And so, it can also happen that the suffering will turn into joy. Feel a new flower, bright, fragrant, but with very ancient roots, deep and well entrenched. So don't fear anything, feeling that you are ready to do anything.
Let it flow, let it happen remembering this, and abandon serene in My arms. "


I’m often very tired ...


"Accompanying you, I know the effort you make in letting your mind go.
I see how you do this, with lots of patience. For you it is a great job, a job not easy. So this fatigue is natural. Sometimes, at night, you find yourself with a visible result, sometimes barely visible, sometimes it seems to you not to have any results, but this is not true: what matters is the work you've done. And what you did, allow Me to help you more and more. It’s not a simple moment, because you're letting go a very strong mind.
You feel the risk that, at a time when you let it go, you could unconsciously search for something that substitute it, and this is natural. It's like trying to grab a branch for the fear of not finding the ground where feet can lay, even if you know that these branches cannot support you. This reality requires great courage: to disconnect from everything that the mind has built, created, knowing you can't have any foothold.
Feel that I’m next to you, with Love I accompany you in this conquest, I will always give you everything you need to reach your destination.
When you wish a foothold, abandon in My arms, and you'll feel protected and loved. "


At times when I feel tired I don't know if I have to respond with force to overcome the fatigue, or if I have to rest.


"Don't feel you have to do something, but that you can always choose everything. If you want to react, do it with Love, not with force, because your body needs Love, must be accompanied with Love, especially in going beyond the limits. Growth, renewals, changes, require a lot of energy. When your body has to face a trial, remember that the mind always tell you:
– You are too weak to live this, to overcome this. Now you're tired to continue your path, rest –.
You can move the mind speaking with Love to your body, accepting with Love these fatigues.
Often you have the greatest weariness when you're about to overcome an obstacle, when a change is completing, when you are going to overcome a challenge, you are winning a battle. Fatigue can be felt in the moments that anticipate the big steps. Call Me, ask Me for help, not only to win or overcome
the obstacle, but to understand what is changing in you, or the change that your Soul is asking, precisely in those moments.
Then, say aloud:
–There are these moments of tiredness because I’m close to a goal, to a victory, to a change, because I have reached it after a long walk, after acting a lot. These I can live, because I have all the strength needed.
And speak this way to your body, so that it can hear these words and the vibrations that accompany them, and so find the strength to continue. The journey of the Soul can bring moments of tiredness.
That is why we invite you to stay in nature: it gives a lot of strength to the body, the heart, the Soul.
That's why you must live with joyfulness: it creates strength and prepares to the fatigue of the journey. That's why the journey has to be lived with enthusiasm: when the moments of fatigue come, it makes you feel the desire to continue anyway. New dew always bring to your body, to quench thirst, to restore it: love it, help it, fill it with Light. When you don't know what to do at that time, call Me, ask Me for help.
Then, be silent and listen to your body, listen to your heart, follow your Soul, and you will understand if the moment is right to rest or if it is not a moment to stop."


How can I overcome this difficult time?


"Recognizing that it is a very important and decisive moment for the battle that you have chosen to win. Get your forces, ask for My strength, feel your Power of Being, express your luminous Essence. Think and feel that you have the opportunity to win, so in your heart there can be the enthusiasm to overcome this moment, the joy for the approaching victory. I will be there, in the battle with you.
So you can transform this difficult time, into an important moment, a great time, and feel the joy of the great opportunity that you now have.
In this way the difficult time, can also become beautiful. Sometimes it may happen to think you're experiencing a good moment, because everything is quiet, while in reality at that moment you are not listening to what the Soul is whispering, you are not experiencing what the Soul is asking. Sometimes you feel that a moment is not nice, it's actually perfect, because it's time you so much have expected, for which you have been preparing a lot, it is the time when you can collect many gifts, make great achievements. So now, observe it all from above, to understand, to feel, to transform this difficult time, into an important moment, a beautiful moment."

Author: Satya

Extract from the book: I am beside you

In addition to these books we have published 22 small-ebook:


Author's Bio: 

Satya is a holistic therapist and counselor who has operated for many years in Italy.
Moreover, Satya is Reiki Master and channeler for more than 22 years and made channeling and Reiki courses in a lot of parts of Italy.
Has accompanied most people in a Path of personal and spiritual growth.
For more than 20 years, is accompanying a group in a Path of growth.
From some years, has chosen to live a simple and retired life in African continent to continue the Journey of Life towards themselves and to prepare themselves for a New.
Satya has chosen the pseudonym so that each can feel her only as a Soul in Walk.
The messages donated by the Angels have changed her life and helped many people.
Furthermore, can accompany in a Path of awareness, growth and evolution.
For this Satya feels as her 'task' to divulge these messages.