After decades of actively working in a profession, most people expect retirement to be an exercise in endless relaxation. Many retirees are shocked to discover that retirement is frequently boring. All the hours they used to devote to their job can’t be filled up with their old hobbies. There are a number of things you can do to make the most out of your extra time after retirement.


The end of a career doesn’t need to mean the end of participation in the world. According to Forbes Magazine, many retirees find it fulfilling to volunteer with organizations such as Americorps Seniors Corps or SCORE. SCORE, which provides mentors to small business owners, offers an excellent way for experienced business people to use their accumulated knowledge.

Get a New Job

As counter-intuitive as it might seem, many retirees enjoy working on a part-time basis. Some work as consultants in the same field they pursued a career. Others look for low-stress jobs that help them to fill up the hours and keep them active. A part-time job can also help to smooth over any financial shortfalls you might experience in retirement.

Embrace a New Hobby, or Pick Up an Old One

New hobbies that require lessons help to structure your time by giving you places you need to be at certain times and also breaks up the monotony. Sports lessons, such as golf or tennis, serve triple duty by keeping you physically active, keeping your mind active as you learn, and providing a social outlet. Of course, most people had interests that fell by the wayside as adult responsibilities took precedent. If you were interested in photography, astronomy or painting when you were young, retirement is a perfect time to take them up again.

Move to Retirement Community

The task of filling the hours proves daunting for some retirees. Retirement communities, such as Sunshine Retirement for seniors, often offer a range of planned activities, such as wellness programs, community events, and travel opportunities. These planned activities provide a way for you to stay healthy and engaged, without requiring you to do all the strategizing. Visit this website to find out more about retirement communities.

Getting the most from your free time in retirement can be a challenge, but it’s a challenge you can meet. By assessing your interests, old or new, determining the level of energy you want to put in, and considering all your options, your retirement can be just as personally fulfilling as your career.

Author's Bio: 

Savannah Coulsen is a freelance writer. She lives in Raleigh. Savannah loves to read and write and she hopes to write a novel someday. Savannah also loves learning and is a self-proclaimed health guru.