When have you checked your email, how often have you received an alarming message from your bank or other company saying that your account is in danger of being closed? E-mails, text messages and payment requests, they may just contain bad links. These messages often seem reliable, but are almost always phishing. We call this form of internet crime phishing. They are commonly used ways to extract your data. With this information, internet criminals can steal money from you, or run away with your identity.

It can be difficult to determine whether an email message is legitimate or not. However, if you follow some anti phishing prevention tips, you can greatly reduce the chances of falling victim to a scammer.

Be Practical and Think Smart

The first important tip is that most large companies do not request personal information or account details via email. This applies to your bank, your insurance company and other companies with which you do business. If you ever receive an email requesting account information, delete it immediately and call the company to make sure your account is still OK.

Say no to Attachments

Do not open attachments to these suspicious or strange email messages, especially attachments in Word, Excel, PowerPoint or PDF format. Another useful tip to avoid phishing is to never click on links in emails, as they may lead to malware.

Never follow the guidelines

Be careful when you receive messages from suppliers or third parties. Never click links to a URL in the original message. Instead, visit the site directly by entering the appropriate URL to verify the request. Also read the procedures for contacting and requesting information from the supplier. Windows products are often targeted, so make sure you are properly secured. Whether you use the latest operating system or Windows Vista, security is essential.

Create A Strong Password?

The longer your password, the stronger it is. Preferably longer than eight characters. Must use numbers and special characters (such as! $ ^ & #).

Make sure you use lowercase and uppercase letters. Use a passphrase, such as: MyGirlHas4Pupsand1Doll! They are easier to remember and long.

Always Use A Virus Scanner

Internet criminals want to misuse your personal data or damage your devices with viruses or programs. A virus scanner and smart anti phishing software protects you against this and scans your computer for viruses and other harmful files. This makes it an important part of protecting your computer. You can install paid or unpaid virus scanners. A paid virus scanner often has more functions than a free version. Still, it is better to have a free virus scanner than not a virus scanner at all.

Perform Software Updates

A software update installs a new version of your device's operating system. Software updates often contain security updates that keep your data better protected. Always install all software and app updates directly on your computer, tablet and mobile phone.

Phishing can be difficult to combat at times, but by following the simple tips in this article and using the right anti-phishing software, you can greatly reduce the chances of becoming a victim of digital scammers.

Virus scanners for tablets and smartphones are available at app stores. A virus scanner checks every app you install and notifies you if the app is malicious. However, when using a virus scanner, you still have to pay attention when downloading apps.

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones