The tremor in the hands is the involuntary movement of the hands or fingers. There are several diseases that can cause tremors in the hands. Among them is Parkinson's, a degenerative brain disease. One of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease is an uncontrollable tremor, which usually begins with the hands. Other disorders that can cause tremors in the hands are alcohol withdrawal, thyroid disease, lithium intoxication and leaving the heart. However, Xanax tremors in the hands do not always get through It can also be caused by fatigue, stress, anxiety or anger. Other factors that can cause hands to shake include aging, low blood sugar, a variety of prescription medications, and drinking too much coffee or other caffeinated drinks. Here are some ways to stop tremors in your hands.

You might also be interested in: How to stop tremors in your hands Steps to remember: 1
Try to relax. The stress-related tremors can be alleviated by relaxation activities such as meditation. You can also practice breathing techniques. Make sure you sleep enough each night to make you feel relaxed all day long.

2. If you suspect that your medicine causes tremors, discontinue use immediately and contact the prescribing physician. He can decide whether to leave the medication permanently or take a lower dose.

3. If you feel like you are an alcoholic or drink a lot, stop immediately and seek treatment. You may notice some side effects of abstinence from alcohol, but the benefits will be much greater. On the other hand, the consumption of alcoholic beverages in small quantities can sometimes reduce tremors. It is important to carefully monitor your alcohol intake to make sure you are not abusing it.

4. Minimize your caffeine intake Caffeine can cause hand tremors, so you'll need to reduce or remove coffee and other caffeinated drinks from your diet.

5. Take the medications prescribed by your doctor. Medications used to treat tremor in the hands include primidone, beta-blockers, gabapentin, mild sedatives, propranolol, mysilin, and other anticonvulsants. Botulinum toxin injections can also be used as a treatment.

This article is for information only, we do not have the opportunity to prescribe medical treatment or make any diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor if you have any complaints or complaints.

Contact your doctor immediately if the tremors of the hand last longer, worsen or affect your life. She also seeks treatment when trembling in the hands coincides with symptoms such as headache, unusual tongue movements or other involuntary actions.
If the medication is not effective, the doctor may consider surgery to stop the tremor in his hands.
Surgery is not excluded if the medication does not work.

Author's Bio: 

Imon is a freelance writer.