Spicing Up a Political Campaign with Political Press Releases

In present times, people look up to the Internet for latest news and updates. The new medium of Internet has although, grabbed a large number of audience but when it comes to the dissemination of a political news, then a major chunk of population prefer obtaining news from traditional paper method.

As a matter of fact, people consider the news in printed form more reliable. So, when you want to inform people about your political event or campaign, it is really important that you write a press release.
Specify Your Audience

Specify your target audience, meaning choose the newspapers and other publications which should be covering your political event. If your political event/election/campaign is on a small scale, then it is better to use local newspaper for advertisement whereas if it is on a large scale, then a better option is to contact national newspapers and agencies.
Draft a catchy title for political news

At the top center of the page, write IMMEDIATE RELEASE and below it, mention a catchy title for your political news.
Keep it simple

Write your news in a brief and concise form. Do not cut down or overdo any details. Also try to use simple language so that all types of readers are able to understand your message.
Give the facts

It is really important that you back up your news with facts, figures and statistics so as to assure the readers of its authenticity.

While writing a press release, make sure you keep into consideration the five W’s. State implicitly,

where the political event or campaign is going to take place
what is its purpose
why should people support it
who are the key political figures involved in this event
what its expected end results are

Mention the contact details correctly

Do not forget to provide the accurate contact details of your party’s spokesperson because when the news is published, public opinions are generated which need to be taken care of.

Author's Bio: 

Josh Steele is the author of this article. For more learning tips on Political Press Release writing, visit How to write?