Every day, our bodies work hard to filter through a perpetual barrage of toxins. From the water we drink, the foods we eat and the air we breathe to the soaps, shampoos, and cleaners we use. We are taking in additives, organic and inorganic chemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals. It’s not just a matter of what we put into our bodies, but what is absorbed transdermally through our skin. No matter how hard we try to eat and drink what we consider healthy foods, our bodies are still under constant fire. The good news is, occasional cleanses can greatly reduce the accumulated damage.

Just think for a moment, about all of the chemicals you may have come in contact with before leaving your house this morning. Conventional toothpaste contains propylene glycol, silica, phosphates and artificial sweeteners. Body wash, shampoos, and lotions are laden with synthetic preservatives, emulsifiers, fragrances and colorants. The FDA allows various chemicals, including waste and agricultural byproducts, to be present in tap water that you not only drink, but also bathe in. Radionucllides, such as radium to and uranium, and inorganic compounds such as cadmium, cyanide and mercury are even permitted to be present.

We also submit our bodies to a variety of chemicals more intentionally. Caffeine, alcohol, refined sugars, nicotine, and preservatives are some of the most prevalent. Most processed convenience foods are loaded with toxins. A build up of these toxins, caused by our daily diets, can produce a number of symptoms. Many of these unwanted compounds build up in our lymphatic, renal, and digestive systems. Fatigue, bloating, digestive problems, acne, and a decreased ability to concentrate are among the symptoms. Left unchecked, these symptoms can build into full-blown disease, most commonly cancer.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the effects of chemicals and toxins through occasional detoxification cleanses. A cleanse is essentially a short, usually three day diet focused on the neutralization and excretion of these harmful compounds. Many foods, especially those rich in antioxidants have been proven to reduce free-radical oxidation, the same damage that has been linked to cancer and accelerated aging. The cleanse, does exactly what the name suggests, and cleanses our bodies systems of the toxic build up that can slow and sicken us.

There are a variety of time-honored cleansing diets to suit just about anybody’s needs. From consuming only a diet of raw foods to a more rigid fast, there are comfortable, effective options. During a juice or raw food fast, our bodies are still nourished with vitamins and enough calories to maintain energy levels, while toxins such as fats, oils, caffeine, and alcohol are omitted. Allowing a lull in consumption gives our bodies a chance to catch up and filter through the contaminants. Many cleansing diets are very high in fiber, allowing the body to more efficiently excrete the toxins that cause bowl discomfort, bloating and excess weight.

No matter the specific approach you choose, an occasional cleanse is necessary to maintain optimal health and reduces your chances for developing cancer.

The cleanse, as offered through ‘The Smoker’s Diet’ is valuable whether you are a smoker or not.

Author's Bio: 

From corporate Wall Street banking PR to author, Sindy Mils offers insight into addiction behaviour in contemporary society through her two books, The Smoker’s Diet, a self-help guide to quit smoking and Purple Mike, addiction fiction for at-risk youth. She holds a Bachelor of Public Relations from Mount Saint Vincent University and lives in Nova Scotia, Canada.