The Secret of My Success refers to two great films or movies which portray how someone from a humble or poor background can get to the greatest top by engaging various principles especially that of Mind Power.

The first film captioned “The Secret of My Success” is a British Comedy produced in 1965. The film centered on Arthur Tate who rose from a humble state of being a constable to the highest position of becoming the ruler of a South American Country. Arthur didn’t reach the highest position by change or by fate, he worked it out. He engaged the principles of success and mind power in getting to the top.

The second film also captioned “The Secret of My Success” is a 1987 American Comedy film which centered on Brantley Foster. He was a graduate of the Kansas State University who passed through a lot before succeeding in his career. He lost a job opportunity in New York City when he moved there. But he didn’t give up. After several attempts, he got a job in Pemrose Incorporated. He came in as an employee but after some years of staying in the company, he ended up buying the company and also became a major stakeholder.

Now, as someone who wants to succeed in life, you can benefit a lot by watching the two films discussed above. They are both loaded with lots of principles that help people to succeed in life. In both films, you’ll discover that the two protagonists had a very poor and humble background. This did not deter them. They struggled through thick and thin passing through several hurdles.

One this is very crucial – they never gave up. This is the very first moral lesson you have to learn from the films.
You can use the films as subliminal messages which you can always use to challenge and train your subconscious mind. In most cases, what goes on in the subconscious mind influences the conscious mind and even your behavior. If you succeed in watching the films regularly, your subconscious mind will pick up all the vital principles contained in them. This can help you to adopt the same principles for greater success in life.

Again, when you watch the two films, you’ll discover that both protagonists had enterprising minds sets. They engage lots of habits of mind in arriving to greater heights. One major habit of the mind they engaged is that of persisting till the end. They stuck to their mission in life without wavering. Both of them ended up becoming great in their different careers. One of them became a president in a South American Country while the other became an owner of a big business corporation that once employed him as a graduate.

Indeed, the two films captioned “The Secret of My Success” can be of great help to your success ambition when you take your time to watch them and also assimilate the various mind power principles used in producing them.

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