Planning a funeral and coping with the emotional time surrounding this event can be very stressful. Quite often after all the arrangements have been made and the services are over, the family is often left with only a vague memory of the friends and family members who gathered. Creating a unique Memorial Guest Book is a wonderful way that guests can view and share.

Unlike a register or traditional name-filled guestbook, you can present a unique funeral or memorial guest book like the Adesso Memorial Guest Book - which is a combination photo album and guest book that is a loving homage and an easy, affirmative way to create a treasured memento that gives tribute to the life of your loved one. And, it can be passed down through generations to come.

Here's How to Create an Adesso Memorial Guest Book Album That Can Be Passed Down from Generation to Generation:

1. Fill the Memorial Album with Cherished Photos

Memorial or funeral services are a special time of remembrance to celebrate the memories of a loved one. Taking the time to select and fill your memorial guest book photo album is an ideal way to preserve those memories. The selection and arranging of the photos in the album can tell a lasting story through pictures.

Note: Gathering and looking through photos of joyful and happy times of your lost loved one can be the beginning of the healing process.

2. Guests Share Personal Sentiments in Writing Next to the Images

At the service, reserve a special area for the Memorial Guest book to be displayed. Guests can view the photo guest book and add their personal handwritten sentiments in the ample area for writing on the opposing page of the photo. This is a great way for friends and family to have the chance to contribute their own thoughts and memories in a more lasting manner.

Note: Writing personal sentiments will bring celebration to the memories and fill the hearts of everyone at the memorial service.

3. The Memorial Album Is a Cherished Memory Book Now and For Generations to Come
With a Memorial Guest Book, the combination of memorable photos of your loved one and the personal writings of close family and friends creates an instant cherished memento that can be passed from generation to generation.

Note: Don't be afraid to include funny pictures and stories in your Memorial Photo Guest Book, it will be a memorial celebrating the real life of your loved one.

Author's Bio: 

Lesley Mattos, Founder of Adesso Albums, Inc. offers the world's original line of Instant Photo Guest Books® - the unique combination of photo album, guest book. Now you can capture and preserve moments and memories of family and friends instantly. Get your Adesso Album Memorial Guest Book now at: