Yep, I know it is not the thing to say…

We are supposed to be all about balance and mindfulness and crazy nonsense like that…

And workaholics are not supposed to care about their families and they are supposed to get sick and die sad lonely lives…

And if hollywood is to be believed, workaholics are supposed to have some parallel existence where they made the choice to stay home with the homely partner and have the 2.4 kids and be happier and more fulfilled than if they took THAT job in the city and became the acclaimed wealthy business man that made lots of money but had no love in his life…


I have banned such silly movies from my house…

Or they come with serious amounts of preaching from me as to how Hollywood seeks to make us all pliable with such drivle!




I love the adrenaline of putting lots of stuff out in the marketplace, feeling the almost overwhelm of it as I wonder how I can pull it all off and then I do!

I pull it off and I realise again just how limited I used to live…

I serve people left and right in different ways and it feels awesome…

I watch my princesses grow up and it feels awesome…

My husband is working from home a lot of the time and that feels awesome…

Life is good when I hustle…

Life is GREAT when I am who I am…

And I used to believe the nonsense…  OH SILLY ME!

I used to listen to all those sad people telling me that I could somehow be happy doing less than I am called to do…

They said it was my ego that kept me pushing and going…

And I believed them…

And the only way I could do what they said to do was to shut down parts of myself and so I lived this passive existence for so long…

Doing work I did not want to do…

Being someone I did not much like…

Someone who talked a lot about the big goals and dreams she had but who then just went to work day after day and did what she was told…

Someone who got manipulated by her extended family to do whatever they wished because she wanted to make people happy…

Someone who would rather have people liking her than respecting her…

I did not like that person…

That person was scared a whole lot of the time…

SCARED of everything…

It was a terrible way to live!

And then I discovered that there are a group of people who do not subscribe to the ‘norm’ way of looking at the world…

They don’t just pray and beg and plead and hope that things work out…

They commit to what they say they believe and they move their feet MASSIVELY!

There is no boxing up of the various different parts of their life because they do only what they want to do…

They no longer play that silly game of spending most of their waking hours doing things they do not want to do…

Things that don’t even keep them awake…

They have found their path and they are sticking to it…

Yes, they go through incredible hardship as they forge this path for themselves…

Because it is not the normal path…

They go through debt, incredible debt and they learn to handle the pressure of it…

They go through loved ones not understanding them and they learn to stop living to please everyone…

They go through their own internal bullshit about what they are allowed to do or not to do and they come out more spiritual, more whole and less afraid than most of the people around them…

And they learn not to care what people thiink…

They are driven by a passion deep within to experience all of life…

To live this one life to the full!

To impact an incredible number of people!

And they make a helluva a lot of money in the process!

And I decided to join them!

And you, leader, can come join too!

You KNOW you are born to change the world!

Literally change the world!

So why the heck would you hold back?!

Oh yes, they told you that you had to live that way…

Well, be done with it!


And we are done with that nonsense!

We are ‘workaholics’ or so they call it…

But we know that really, we are LIFE-AHOLICS – addicted to living the best life we can in the limited time we have on this planet…

We want to experience everything…

WE want to do the work we feel called to do…


And so we are shedding all the holdbacks…

Releasing all the limits…

Having the scary conversations…

Handling the pressure of being different in a world that wants us all to be the same…

And finding ourselves and our purpose in the hustle…

We are winners!

And we love life!

We love all people!

We love Spirit!

We love Sex!

We see the world as it is…

And we feel the determination in our breast to leave our mark…

We are called to greatness!



The norms don’t get us and so the heck what?!


And the world is better for us being alive!

Yessiree! I am a workaholic /life-aholic and proud of it!

Leader, I work with life-aholics that resonate with the above…

I support you and give you the strategy to live the life you are called to live…

To make money doing the work you want to do…

To build a life where you have fun being you!

If you want to reach your first $10 month within weeks, then get in touch with me now and enquire about the ‘I want to Win’ coaching program – One on One, you and I conquering the world…

Yep, big talk but There is no other way than to go for every freaking thing!


Let’s do this!

Private message me now on my page, Rosemary Nonny Knight

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live…

Because you want to!

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online