You might have heard about the word Barzakh but you would have been wondering about its interesting facts which are not known to many people. The actual meaning of the word Barzakh is a block or barrier that comes in between two things, and stops these two things from meeting. For example, if you know about that particular ocean in which the one part is salty and other sweet, due to which the waves of that ocean don’t gets mixed and a barrier is between both of them.

In general, Barzakh is a kind of kingdom made by Almighty that comes between our world and the world hereafter. Both the worlds hold their own individual importance and can’t be mixed together, that is why there is a kind of barrier between both. It has been stated by scholars that once you have entered in the state of Barzakh, you don’t experience any such pain which is physical like a headache, stomach ache etc. There will be light of those who fulfilled the commands of Allah, and there will be darkness for all the sinners. But obviously, you can’t say that Barzakh is the ultimate life hereafter, in fact it is a time period in which you stay before entering either Jannat or Hell.

Someone asked Hazrat Imam (A.S) about the time period of Barzakh and he said that its time starts from the moment you die till the time you wake up from your graves. Always pray to Allah that he chooses you among those who will have the light in Barzakh instead of those who would be feeling darkness all around them. Whenever you visit the Holy Kaaba by taking any package like Ramadan Umrah Package 2017, always ask for Allah’s mercy because it is the ultimate time when you are standing in the house of Allah and you can ask for any wish and desire. Never forget to pray for forgiveness and Allah’s blessings.

Some scholars call Barzakh as a duplicate world likes ours but it is quite different from our actual world. We would possess the same body in Barzakh like we do in this actual world but there will be a difference. For example, you see a dream and in that dream you see yourself, but you are unable to feel the physical touch of your body. Also in our dreams, we can travel anywhere in the world within seconds. Barzakh will also be like a dream in which the worshippers and sinners will face different kind of experiences.

Author's Bio: 

Afshan Naeem is an authorized web content writer who has a passion of writing articles, blogs, descriptions, and web content based on different domains of history, politics, religion, current affairs, social issues and travelling guidelines. She also provides the best recommendations of cheap Umrah and Hajj Packages. Her keen observation on various phenomenon makers her unique among other writers.