This is either going to be a hard lesson, or an enlightening lesson, but it is the truth you need to hear.

If you are not a leader, meaning if you don't have value to offer someone... they are not going to join you in your primary business.

We need to get this straight from the beginning. People join people in internet network marketing. They do not join your company, your product, your technology, or your compensation plan... they essentially join you.

If you are not worth joining, then you are not going to have too many people join you. Even if people do join you, it probably will be people who have even less belief in themselves then you do.

I am not being mean, just honest... its how this game works. People sense your belief level when they are talking to you. They sense whether or not you are scared, insecure, needy, or any of those things. If they sense that you are those things... do you think they are going to be attracted to you? A massive portion of what I am saying here is about attraction marketing.

Attraction marketing is about people calling you and wanting to join you.

There are two reasons why someone would join you in your internet network marketing business.

1. They see you as a leader. They see you as a person who can help them get to where they want to be going. They want some quality you have, and they see that you might be able to teach it to them, or give it to them in some way.

2. They want your marketing system.

Those are the only two reasons people are going to join you out of thousands of other business that are being pitched to them everyday.
You either have something to offer them by way of your leadership. Or you have a marketing system that they see will help them build their business.

So what this means is that you absolutely have to work on yourself more than you work on your business. You have to make being a leader, and developing the qualities and characteristics of a leader your very first concern.

Author's Bio: 

Toki Tover is a leading online marketer with the Global Resorts Network. She trains and mentors others in creating wealth-on-demand through "personal branding" using cutting-edge marketing systems and video. See examples of Toki's personal branding techniques at her Global Resorts web site: