This is what people look for in a leader and what you need to be in order to be one:

Confident. Your belief level is absolutely everything. The stronger the belief level you have, the more people are going to listen to you. When you come across with sheer conviction about what it is you are talking about… people listen. This means that you need develop that confidence. You need to be totally honest with yourself and say “I am a leader” “I have EVERYTHING it takes”. Then you need to face all your fears and charge into adversity, because it’s only by doing that that we actually get stronger.

Sincerity. In this day an age, people want truth and honesty as much as anything else. There are a lot of people out there who have been burned many times by all sorts of shady characters. People want real connections. They want to know that somebody actually cares about them, and is concerned with their success.

Trust. Trust is the foundation for all relationships. If you aren’t trust worthy, or building trust….then no body is going to take the chance and follow you.

Good communication. Don’t let any one kid you, we are doing network
marketing. It is all talking to people. If you aren’t talking to people, then your business isn’t growing. People look to see how well your communication skills are, and how clearly you can communicate a message. That matters a lot to people.

Light hearted, friendly, yet passionate and serious. This speaks for itself. Life isn’t meant to be taken like it’s a load or some daunting task. People like to be at ease and calm. They like other people who are calm, at ease, and friendly. Yet on the other hand, in business people are also attracted to you if you have passion in your voice, and they can tell you are serious about what you do. No one wants to join someone else who is in it half hearted. You got to be in it with your whole heart to have people line up and follow you.

Positively energetic. Everyone loves positive energy. People gravitate towards positive people like magnets. In a day and age when you hear tons of complaining, whining, anger, and negativity….if you are positive you are like a beacon shining in the night. You are a lighthouse broadcasting your light for all to see. And believe me, people see. If you are positive, you will attract positive people.
This list is just to give you an idea of the direction you need to be heading to get people lining up at your door, wanting to join YOU.

It’s all about attraction marketing, and if you aren’t attractive in this industry it will be a lot harder to build your network marketing business.

Author's Bio: 

Toki Tover is a leading online marketer with the Global Resorts Network. She trains and mentors others in creating wealth-on-demand through "personal branding" using cutting-edge marketing systems and video. See examples of Toki's personal branding techniques at her Global Resorts web site: