Infor is leading the way in Distribution ERP for artificial intelligence (AI). Known as “Coleman,” Infor’s AI can interact either via chat or voice commands (via Alexa for Business). This capability can greatly improve efficiency and ease of execution on a number of mundane daily tasks while ensuring proper security level clearances on requested functions. While many ERP developers are just starting to look into AI, Infor is already delivering this value to clients.

A primary concern for any ERP user is to know their systems are delivering on capabilities that will empower competitive advantages, and Infor really delivers that in this game changing functionality. Please review the short video for examples of Coleman in action.

Watch right now "Introducing Infor’s Coleman

Contact our team if you have questions or would like more information about Infor’s ERP solutions.

Author's Bio: 

Since 1984, NSA Professional Services has been helping successful wholesale distribution businesses grow and prosper by leveraging and implementing world class software and processes. Our mantra is simple and clear – the right product, the right process, and the right people to ensure a successful project and a long-term relationship.

Having over 3 decades of working knowledge in inventory and warehouse management, accounting and financing, software development, eCommerce, business intelligence, networking, communications, and sales and project management, our processes have become refined beyond reproach.