In 2009 leading pharmacies confessed that they didn’t believe homeopathy works. However, despite this revelation and repeated scientific studies which prove that homeopathy gives the same results witnessed in placebo tests, the NHS still spent over £4 million last year researching homeopathic remedies.

Astonished by the NHS’s and Boot's ‘no harm’ attitude to homeopathy, over 300 activists are now planning to partake in a group homeopathic overdose to help create public knowledge about the fact that homeopathic remedies do not work.

During this revoltwhich is set to occur on the 30th January 2010, all those actively involved in the protest will publicly swallow an entire bottle of 60 homeopathic pills to demonstrate that they are nothing more than fakes as well as encourage pharmacies to take them off their shelves

Where did Homeopathy originate?

Question consumers and they will describe homeopathy as ‘all natural herbal medicine’ the majority of the ingredients contained within this commonly accepted complementary medicine are so dilute that there really is nothing to them.

Yet further background checks into the discovery of homeopathy has found that it is not strictly an herbal medicine, but is based on 3 central tenets discovered in the 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann. Threebeliefs which are still used today:

- The Law of Similars where whatever caused your symptoms will also cure them i.e. unable to sleep, take caffeine

- The Law of Infinitesimals where the more weak the remedy, the stronger it will become

- The Law of Succession where intense mixing of a homeopathic potion would intensify its strength

Analysingthis historical background, it is completely understandable why sceptics of homeopathy are asking the government to command the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence to assess whether it is necessary for the National Health Service to fund homeopathy. Providing few if any results, all scientific studies point to the fact that they will not boost your immune system.

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Author's Bio: 

I have written hundreds of articles for online publication both under contract and for my own use. I absolutely thoroughly enjoy learning as I write.