Man!!!  When last were you just ‘YOU’?

When last did you let yourself express your own thoughts, your own feelings, your own individual personality?

We have all been trained and trained to be anything but ourselves so before you say ANYTHING, you check yourself, you see if it will stand the test of many, many years of stifling yourself and you end up only saying the politically correct thing.

The boring thing…

The thing that makes you blend in…

The thing that makes all your people walk on by past you because you are acting like a ‘norm’!

And so you make no sales…

You don’t stand for anything…

And that is such a pity because really, you are a powerful revolutionary leader when you let yourself be one…

Those thoughts you think in your head, the ones you are always filtering are there because they are your current truth and your people need to hear them…


You have been made weak by a world that wants everyone to sound the same, to be the same, to do the same thing…

We are all victims of this so you are definitely not alone in it!

And yet, I remind you again that YOU ARE LEADER!

Powerful, creative LEADER!

You are born to be RICH, ABUNDANT, POWERFUL!

You have to shake this off!

You have to courageously become fully yourself because it is only then that you are able to do the work you are born to do.

The work that calls out to you…

The work that will change the lives of many…

The work that will give you all the wealth, significance and power that you want!

You have to remove the layers and become ‘YOU’ again!

And it will not be easy…

The journey to self-discovery is mostly not taken by the masses…

They are too passive and too controlled to realise that their whole life is the fabrication of some person somewhere who decided that having a tamed population was best.

You, Leader, you must break free of this!

And it will demand that you question EVERYTHING!

No longer can you allow some other person’s thoughts to be truth to you without thorough testing…

As I have said on numerous occasions, the truth stands up to scrutiny!

No longer can you just go with the flow…


You choose what you believe!

And you deliberately go the way of pleasure…

YES, pleasure!

I know you have been taught that denying yourself is the way…

But it is not the truth!

It is as you go the way of pleasure that you discover what you are born to do –  That feeling of desire, of pleasure is telling you what you are born to do.  Don’t you see that?

You no longer HAVE to do anything just because some person told you that that is what you are SUPPOSED TO DO!

No, you follow YOUR bliss because it brings you to your purpose…

It brings you to fulfilment…

It brings you to creativity and a feeling of oneness with the world around you…

And you start to see your place in the jigsaw puzzle of the planet…

What makes you happy is not necessarily what makes anyone else happy in the same way and it is designed that way for a reason!  We are not all supposed to be the same!

But scared people tried to tame you…

They demand that you follow their experience instead of discover your own…

They tell you that that is the best way to learn but it is not true because no one can experience things the same way you do!  Yes there will be similarities but overall, you are not the same…

They try to make you feel guilty for being your own person…

They want you to conform, to be the same and to just be a number…

They supply you with entertainment to keep you down…

And various other things that you only buy to dampen down your desires because you feel that you may never get to experience the fullness of your bliss…

And your life ticks away…

And when you come up for air, there is a sense of quiet desperation because you KNOW you were not born to live this way…

And so, today, I ask you to wake up!

And get pretty deliberate about following what brings you pleasure…

It is not holy or noble or anything good, when you deny yourself!

The world suffers.

And yes, to many, my way of thinking is dangerous but ask yourself why?

What would happen if every individual person did think for themselves?

Many religious organisations may find themselves empty…

But others could find themselves FULL again…

There could be many more entrepreneurs, rather than employees and small minds may see this as a problem…

But I am FOR YOU!

And I see WINNER in you!

And I want you to deliberately CHOOSE YOURSELF!

Choose to do things that make you happy…

Choose to allow yourself every single thing you want!

It takes nothing away from anyone else if you have it all!

So why hold back!

Your poverty (internally and externally) helps NO ONE!

So be rich…

Be Powerful…

Be Famous (If you want!)

Be Sexual…

Be Spiritual… (not religious!)

Have Everything!

Be successful!

Make Lots & Lots of Money!

Change Lives!

Because abundance is your birthright!

CHOOSE it by choosing YOU!

Self denial is destructive.

Pleasure yourself, choose yourself, be yourself because in your heart of hearts, what you want for you is exactly what you want for all.

And it is only as you allow yourslef to get it all that you can help all do the same too!

So many ‘leaders’ have spoken to you out of their own lack…

They have limited you with teh same limitations that they themselves have felt…

You no longer have to buy into all of that!


YOU CHOOSE what you want to create for you, for yours, for the world around you!

And get to it!

Release yourself…

Break free of the shackles and limits of ‘norm’ ness!



It turns me on, just thinking about you in that state!

Lets get you there. FAST!

The DM Wealth Accelerator day!

Work with me for 6 hours ONE on ONE, in person or over the phone and we will hash out your business…

  • Brainstorm new offers that will make your people jump up and run for their wallets so they can come buy from you…
  • Create a lead magnet…
  • Set up your ads…
  • Write out those initial emails to sell your stuff…
  • Plan out your social media strategy…
  • Arrange for a live call/webinar to really set you off…
  • Attract the right audience for you…
  • Put in place a complete sales and marketing plan for your online business…


It can be completely about those internal holdbacks…
You know you have your business planned out and set out but your head is just not in the right place and you know it…

  • Something to do with your connection with your higher power – You cannot hear him, you feel deserted and you are unsure whether you are allowed to create wealth…
  • Or maybe it is your sexuality – It feels wrong, wounded and you know you need to get free in this area in order to be free in every other area…
  • Or your inability to keep a relationship going…
  • Or your recent divorce/breakup seems to have left you reeling and unable to recover, doubting yourself more and more…
  • Or the current relationship in your life…
  • Or maybe it is the fact that you feel like a doormat for every person in your life but you just cannot break free of it…
  • Or your inability to let go of the lack programming from your past…
  • Or whatever is holding you back from building the business and creating the wealth you know you deserve!
  • Something is holding you back and you just cannot get the traction you want…

You may or may not even know what the problem is but you know there is a problem!
And you are tired of fighting it, tired of trying to get past it on your own because it just ain’t working…

Whichever one it is, I have a slot to spend one 6 hour day with you, accelerating the flow of freedom and money to you.

Just you and I, getting it done already.

  • You will leave transformed…
  • Your money ceiling will be broken through…
  • You will be happier and freer inside…
  • You will feel loved, accepted and RICH!
  • You will have a business all set up and ready to generate all the customers, clients, recruits you want!

Apply for this DM Wealth Accelerator day by sending me an email – and giving me an explanation of your current situation and also, tell me which version of the day you feel you will need.  You do not have to know exactly what the matter is but just give me an idea of where you are at and what you want to see happen within the next 12 months.

You are created to live in freedom, wealth and ABUNDANCE and it is time to shake off anything that hinders you from making that happen.

Email me now at or send me a message on Facebook and I will be in touch.

Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live.

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online