Does your life feel like it's stalled, and your finding it hard to get going again? Do you feel like you have lost your Mojo, and you have absolutely no idea where to find it?

Do you look at the people around you and begrudge them their success, because they are getting on with their lives, and you feel that you aren't living up to your potential?

Do you find yourself talking to yourself in negative self talk?

These are just a few of the tell-tale signs of feeling stuck in a rut. I know that you have tried several times to get yourself out of your rut and into your groove, but with no avail. One of the biggest things that is keeping you feeling stuck in a rut is your focus, yes your focus, you are focusing on the same problems from the same point of view, if you constantly look at something from the same perspective, then you will always get the same image.

As the Nobel Prize winning physicist Albert Einstein said; “no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

He is categorically stating that you must look at your problem from a different perspective if you intend to solve it.

It's like when you look at the hologram on your Visa or Master Card, you have to look at if from a different angle to actually see the hologram working,

You need to look at your situation from a different perspective, you need to realise that “It's NOT about what you've done, it's about what your doing.”

Let me explain...

You are feeling stuck in a rut because you are running the same thought process's and patterns that got you stuck in a rut in the first place.

Do any of these sound familiar to you:

Why cant I ever get a break?
Why does everyone seem to be doing better than me?
Why does this always happen to me?
Who can I get to help me out of this situation?
Why is my life so crap?
Why cant I be like (pick popular person that everyone seems to like) …?

All that these thoughts are good for is to help to keep you well and truly feeling stuck in your rut. These thoughts are all dis-empowering thoughts, they sap your personal power, detract from your quality of life and leave you feeling stuck in a rut.

If you want to stop feeling stuck in a rut, then you need to look at your situation from a different perspective, you need to look at it from a problem solving mindset, you need to have empowering thoughts, and ask powerful problem solving questions, Lets rephrase the same six questions from a problem solving perspective.

What can I do to resolve this situation?
How can I do better than I already am?
How can I make sure that this doesn't happen to me again?
What can I do to get myself out of this situation?
How can I make my life better?
How can I be as popular as (insert name of popular person)

If you look at your situation from a problem solving perspective, I can assure you that you will start to see answers whereas before you only saw problems, remember, it's not about what you've done, it's about what you're doing.

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