It’s the Cat’s Me—OW When it Comes to Beating Insomnia

No one feels pretty or attractive when one has eye bags from not getting enough sleep. One purr—fect remedy for getting beating insomnia is catnip. Now, like many others, I only knew about catnip since cats seem to get a little buzz from the stuff, while others suspect they just like the smell. Well, our feline friends certainly know a good thing when they smell it!
Now, catnip may turn one’s lazy feline into a rowdy cat, but it has the opposite effect on humans. In fact, long before pharmacists began dispensing powerful chemicals---with all their side effects---herbalists recommended catnip tea to speed the journey to Dreamland. To make the tea, steep 1 teaspoon of dried catnip in 1 cup of hot water for 10 minutes, then strain and sip.
Dried catnip can be purchased at Use this coupon code, BER298, to save money at checkout.
Not only is catnip tea good for insomnia, but it’s also known as a cough cure. For this tea, one will need to steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried catnip in a cup of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes and then strain. One can drink up to three cups per day.
Another bit of wisdom I didn’t know about catnip is that it not only treats bug bites and stings, but also can repel them. According to studies at the University of Iowa, catnip oil is 10 times more effective at deterring insects than DEET (short for diethyl-meta-toluamide). DEET is a powerful insecticide that does the job for repelling insects, but it can also cause skin rashes, lethargy, muscle spasms, and nausea. So, perhaps I might just try catnip oil to see if it can repel mosquitoes, because I’m tired of getting stung.
Catnip not only helps with insomnia and a bug repellant; it also is great for relieving gas. When gas gets trapped in bends in the intestine, it can be really painful, but you can relieve the discomfort with a simple belly rub containing antispasmodic herbs. Add four to six drops each of lobelia, and catnip tincture to 2 tablespoons of olive oil, then gently massage it into your abdomen in a clockwise motion.

Author's Bio: 

Kelley is the author of the book, My Curly Hair Self: Living with a Visual Processing Disorder. Kelley lived with photophobia, a totally misunderstood disability.
Her book is available on