There’s a common misconception that building websites are difficult and it would take months to create them. Moreover, there’s a need to learn how to code, program, and know about the design principles in website building. However, gone are those days where everything has to be manual. Unless you plan on making an elaborate website for a big company which requires PHP and other programming language, there are many easy ways to build a website these days.

After reading the bestselling book ‘The First 20 Hours’ by Josh Kaufman, I became convinced otherwise. In his book, he states that he was able to be good at certain skill within 20 hours of deep learning. Yes, 20 hours is all you need in order to learn a skill.

In one of the chapters in the book, he talks about creating a website from scratch and how he was able to accomplish it using various services and online learning resources. In a short span of 20 hours, he was able to emerge with a professional-looking personal website as his learning output.

How is this possible? Well for an instance, there are multiple tools online that aids you in designing a web template, getting a domain, finding web hosting, installing additional website features, and more.

In my opinion, I think you don’t even need to have 20 hours to create a personal website. As I was researching for necessary tools, I found the easiest way to do it which is through a free website builder like

A website builder is basically online tool which has everything you need so you do not have to move from one website or one service to another in your quest for website-making. With these free website building tools, you get to have a step-by-step guide in making a website without any coding knowledge.

The free website builder is perfect for beginners because it has hundreds of website templates, business features, and easy webpage editing.

So my challenge to you is this: Build a free website in 20 hours or less using a website builder such as in the link provided and see if you are able to accomplish Kaufman’s theory.

Author's Bio: 

Anne Balad is a digital strategist and entrepreneur. She is also a writer and likes sharing her expertise on PR, digital marketing, and research writing. Find her on Twitter @annebalad.