A brief introduction to Tarot Cards

Tarot cards have been in use for many 100, if not thousands of years. Help predict and also get a vision for the future using special extensions tarot card meanings assigned to each of the tarot cards. In fact, the Tarot deck was the basis of the letters we use today to play games like poker and bridge.

Each full card tarot deck consists of two mysteries: the major arcana and minor arcana, tarot meanings with each card. There may be some tarot decks that only have 22 tarot cards which is the major arcana. This is because when you start can be very discouraging to try to learn the meaning of all 78 cards. Some tarot card readers never go beyond using the major arcana. There is no right or wrong, you should do what feels right. When you feel comfortable with the major arcana do not hesitate to start using less arcane too.

The two Arcane

The twenty-two letters that make up the great secret is based on classic archetypes. An archetype is a representation of some characteristic, such as The Priestess and The Fool. It is very difficult to implement their own knowledge and experience to determine the meaning behind the cards.

The Major Arcana can be regarded as a representation of the most important potential turning points in our lives. Their meanings usually represent the events that are beyond our control, but have some effect. The meanings are not always literal, in fact, rarely are literal and some of the skill in reading the letters is to be able to interpret the meanings of the cards. Take for example the letter of Death, which really does not mean you're going to die! It is a card that represents change, either an end or beginning.

Fifty-six minor arcana cards in four suits are normally composed of Cups, Swords, Wands and Pentacles. different decks have different styles, such as gold coins) and sticks for wands. It was the lowest arcane, with some changes that were used to create the letters we use today to feel very familiar. There is a notable exception to the cards, the tarot has an extra picture card for each suit. The card will be different from deck to deck, but all trials with four picture cards instead of three.

The minor arcana represent the most mundane events and problems in our lives. These are the events that are within our control and our sphere of influence. Once you start using the complete tarot card deck readings that major events can be highlighted with the major arcana and see how it will affect the minor arcana. This will help provide guidance on the best course or courses of action.

The suits of the Minor Arcana

Each suit in the minor arcana is representative of one of the elements of earth, air, fire and water and meanings reflect these elements. Given the symbolism of the tarot and the different tarot decks, these associations are not fixed and may differ from the different tarot decks. Most decks come with a small brochure that describes the symbolism and meanings of the cards.

In general, the earth element is associated with the suit of Pentacles. This can be considered as a solid and stable as a rock. Earth also has a link to the money, which is reflected in matters of material possessions and financial soundness. The suit of Swords is associated with the element of air and can make changes and distances. Air also represents the authority and ambition, and even opposition. For the fire that we have the game of sticks. Bastos represents growth, creativity and enterprise. Cup final demand and its association with water. Water is an element of free flow cups reflects the intuition and creativity, as well as fertility and emotion.

Using Tarot card spreads

Taro cards should not be read individually and any meaning tarot cards will be affected by its position in the spread, as well as tarot cards around it. You can think of it as words in a sentence. Each word in a sentence has an individual meaning, but they both appear in the sentence and the words around to affect the meaning.

There are a variety of extensions to the tarot card and used each for a different reason. Over time you will find that you develop a preference for two or three differentials. Some of the ordinary differential cross tarot you are the Celtic cross, the spread of the horoscope and the dissemination of the pyramid.

In conclusion I would say that tarot cards are not evil or black magic use. Are really nothing more than cards, like our game cards and usually works of art in themselves. Tarot cards do not contain any power or create or make the events happen. They are only a means to help us understand the events and things that happen in our lives and in some situations can give us the opportunity to take some action. There are many different platforms out there, each with its own symbols and you'll be drawn to a particular deck.Once, you come to appreciate the tarot can be a collector of these cards fine.

Author's Bio: 

Tanya Kapoor is a Delhi based renowned Tarot Reader. She has been reading tarot since past 6 years. She is one of the youngest Tarot Card Readers who have an excellent grip over the art of Love Tarot Reading and Healing.