Everybody’s talking about the need to be leveraged, but most people aren’t making the distinction between leveraged selling and leveraged delivery. Therefore, they’re missing half of the picture.

Leveraged selling means you’re selling to more than one person at a time. You do that when you make your offer to a group of people, such as at a live event, group presentation, or on a teleseminar, webinar, interview or video. Leveraged selling is lucrative, and this is why I’m so hot on all of these methods and why I teach structures for how to make your Irresistible Offer™ from each of them…without being salesy!

Leveraged delivery is serving more than one person at a time. You do this when you teach a group in a virtual class by teleseminar or webinar, or at a live training, or even virtually with digital delivery.

If you want to serve as many people as you can while making a handsome living, you really want to be fully leveraged: that is, leveraged selling + leveraged delivery.

You do this when you appear live or virtually before a group of people and invite them to join your group program. Your selling is leveraged because you’re making your offer to a group. And your delivery is leveraged, too, because you’re leading or teaching more than one person at a time.
All of the other models and approaches out there have the problem of limiting how many people you can serve and/or what you can earn.

Here’s what I mean:
Selling your group program one-to-one (unleveraged selling of leveraged delivery).

The problem with trying to fill your group program by making your offer to people one at a time is that it’s very difficult to collect enough people at the same time to get the group going. You never get all your puppies in the box. As soon as you get some of them in, others start jumping out while they’re waiting for your program to start.
Selling your one-on-one services to a group (leveraged selling of unleveraged delivery).

Going before a group to sell your one-on-one services can max you out pretty quickly since you’re likely to sell more than you can deliver. For example, let’s say a business coach offers a $2,000 package of ten private sessions from the stage and 20 people take her up on her offer. Of course, it’s really fun to process $40,000 of orders from 90 minutes on the stage, but the joy gets lost when she has to put 200 coaching calls into her schedule over the next several months.

Selling your one-on-one services one-to-one (unleveraged selling of unleveraged delivery).

A lot of us start out by selling our one-on-one coaching services to people one at a time. The problem is, you quickly reach the cap on how many people you can help and how much money you can earn. Plus, every new client means one less hour in your life to exercise, be with your family, and do what you love to do outside of work.

There really is no better model than being fully leveraged.
Again that means:

Selling your group program to a group of people (leveraged selling of leveraged delivery).

When you appear before a group of people to invite them to join your group program, you are helping as many people as you can (because your delivery is leveraged) while making the maximum income you can (because your selling is leveraged too).

This is the key to making big money and a big difference doing what you love!

If you’d like to learn more about how to experience the magic of leveraging for yourself, we’ve made it super easy. You can get your hands on our Leveraged Progression Plan® for only $18! That’s right. For the price of a paperback, you can learn how to serve more people, make more money, and finally stop re-inventing the wheel.

Author's Bio: 

Recently honored as one of America's Top Women Mentoring Leaders by WoW Magazine, and recipient of the coveted eWomen Network Foundation Champion award for her generous fundraising, Lisa Sasevich, "The Queen of Sales Conversion," teaches experts who are making a difference how to get their message out and enjoy massive results, without being "salesy."

If you found today’s issue helpful, you’ll love Lisa's flagship product The Invisible Close where she reveals 97 secrets to influence sales using irresistible offers, get results without being "salesy" and maximize profits with no marketing budget!

Recognized as a sales expert by Success Magazine, and highlighted as one of the fastest growing independently owned private companies by Inc. Magazine for two years in a row, Lisa delivers high-impact sales-closing strategies for turbo-charging entrepreneurs and small business owners to achieve great profits.

According to best-selling author Brian Tracy, "Lisa Sasevich is one of the greatest discoveries in America today!"

Kym and Sandra Yancey of eWomen Network say that "without question she is brilliant at teaching others how to leverage their unique gifts and qualities and convert them into a financial windfall. She is one authentic, heart-centered expert that delivers in spades!"

Robert Allen, author of multiple New York Times Best Sellers says, "I added a zero to my income today just by watching her. Lisa Sasevich. Watch that name and whatever you do, be part of what she's doing. You're going to love it."

After 25 years of winning Top Sales Awards and training senior executives at companies like Pfizer and Hewlett-Packard, Lisa left corporate America and put her skills to the test as an entrepreneur.

And in just a few short years, Lisa created a multi-million dollar home-based business with two toddlers in tow. Lisa is the undisputed expert on how to make BIG money doing what you love!

To receive monthly Sales Nuggets and Lisa's FREE 6-part series, "Simple, Quick and Easy Ways to Boost Sales Without Spending a Dime," subscribe today at http://theinvisibleclose.com/