Today, technology has created many opportunities in the agricultural sector, the business sector, the industrial sector, and others. Technology has also provided easy access to learning facilities for both students, teachers. Much more, making learning accessible regardless of the time and place. Technology has made available various forms of media outlets, making it challenging on what platform to use. Most times, we get confused about where to start from when using technology for the first time, especially when using it as a medium to interact with students.

Technology is a tool that must be used to achieve a goal. By achieving a goal, we must focus on the aim of using this tool and what it can do. Regardless of the aim, here are four strategies that help leverage the use of technology in the learning environment as well as the serviced offices in Shoreditch. These strategies will help promote the voice of students, give students better access to learning, materials and many more.

• To foster discussions among students and teachers worldwide: Some technological tools like padlet or synth helps foster discussion among students and teachers. So, maybe you’ve brainstorm an idea, have an assignment to share or relevant images or photos to share, this tool can be used. As it goes beyond the four walls of the university, bringing information close to you.

• To enhance intelligent collaboration through learning gadgets: This can be done by using a specific location as a base where students can meet and access information, share materials, post assignments, announce up-coming class events, find out assignments and also ask questions. This can be done by using technological tools like Edmodo and Google classroom. However, there are many tools you can use to curate and provide your own resources.

• Enhance learning through visualisations and presentations: Some students are pretty good at visuals and learning via infographics. Using a tool that allows students to learn through visualisations and pictures will increase the learning capacity among them. Doing this will enhance their capacity to view different contents and information, enabling them to capture and retain everything.

Author's Bio: 

Author, Freelance writer