Here, I’m for your another rescue. From the title, you had already come to know that in which topic I’m going to talking about. Yes, it is about ‘cleaning of Kitchen’. Now many women will relate with me that cleaning of the kitchen is a big burden and this is the most neglected or should I say procrastinated work than other works at home.
Generally, on busy nights we tend to delay our kitchen cleanliness and many gunks try to start taking place. You should be very particular about your chores otherwise this will turn into a nightmare in no time.
But you don’t have to be tensed about that you can tackle this situation with ease. I’m going to share these simple steps with you so that you can manage your house cleanliness with your hectic schedule.
So starting with the problems we always go through is TIME. Many working women suffer from this. They have to take care of the house, kid, paying bills all at the same time. If their husband is helping them then it is cherry on the top. But although, the tricks that I’m going to share are common and it is try and tested. So you can finish this leftover work in no time.
1. Clean as soon as possible: Make yourself trained in such a way that as soon as you complete your dinner, you have to complete all your dishes. And trust me, it doesn’t take more than 20 min. If you finish that work in that period you will feel tension free. If you see this all mess in the morning you won’t feel fresh and your mood will also be disgusting.
2. Clean all the greasy containers: Ketchup bottles, vanilla essence, soya sauce, mayonnaise bottles may get greasy after some time and that stain remains the same and that creates many gunk and dirt. This also attracts many insects and this all feels like a mess. So, clean your fridge every fortnight and remove all the empty bottles, damaged vegetables. Clean your fridge with a microfiber cloth once. Take this kitchen cleaning hack one step further by quickly wiping down the shelves or surfaces where you’ll place these jars and bottles, too.
3. Replace all your plastic containers with glass containers: Most of the food items have a short life span and get stale. But why I had said that plastic containers are better than glass containers? Glass is cleaner than plastic. The nonporous surface of glass doesn’t absorb food and germs (and smells). Glass can be safely washed at high temperatures in your dishwasher. The green vegetables can stay fresh for longer days in glass. Stick labels on every container so that your time will not be wasted.
4. Try to use fewer utensils: Now this can be sound weird but if you try to do this you can save your money plus your workload to wash 10 other different utensils. Over that, if any guest visits your house you will have more work. So better to buy fewer utensils or use fewer utensils if possible.
5. Daily garbage disposal: Daily throwing garbage bag is the best thing you can do to keep your kitchen hygiene maintain. You will also have experienced that weird smell even after disposing of garbage bags but think about that garbage disposal, he might be the main culprit and you didn’t even heed to it. So here is the best advice, cut a lemon in slices and drip those pieces down the drain and pour some water over the top of it and also let the garbage disposal to clear. You can also hire any kitchen deep cleaning company by looking at Linkezee. Linkezee is the fastest growing local search engine in India.
6. Don’t let the insects to make their home in your kitchen: Many insects attract to gunks, smell and they stay there for long if not clean properly. If ovens, microwaves, the refrigerator is not clean properly or every fortnight then many small cockroaches try to stay there for long. To get rid of this you can make a paste of baking soda and water and just spread this paste all over your oven. Let the magic happens and wipes it off after 15–20 min. This will take all the gunk out and no stinky smell will come out of it.

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