Many years ago I heard a talk by one of the greatest, most dynamic speakers I have experienced. His name is Skip Ross and his talk was on dynamic living. This article will describe for you the main points of this talk. These points describe in brief a magic formula for living the perfect life.

Dynamic living is a life that is filled with joy and happiness all the time: Free from fear, free from worry, continually in the process of accomplishing worthwhile goals, well adjusted in life’s six major areas which include business, home, social, physical, mental and spiritual.

10 Principles for Success

1. Give and you receive (Radiation and attraction)
a) There is no such thing as something for nothing.
b) You always have something to give (praise, a smile)
c) Always give with the expectation of receiving however:
- Don’t give specific item to get specific item
- Give and give and give generously and know that it will come back in some form
- You have to be ready to receive (say thank you)

2. Principle of Exclusion (Get rid of what you don’t want to make room for what you do want.)
a) eliminate everything negative from your life and beware of negative people
b) be careful what you watch – it communicates to you on a subconscious level
c) be careful what you listen to - eg. music, people (only listen to the good)
d) be careful what you read.

3. Principle of creation
a) Decide what you want (burning desire) – If you don’t know what you want how can you get it.
b) Define it specifically and clearly
c) Write it down. After you write it down, read it out loud to yourself every morning and every night.

4. Principal of Visualization
Get a clear picture of exactly what you want, infuse it with all the emotion that you can, and hold on.

5. Principle of Command
a) Whatever you speak out of your mouth, that’s what’s going to happen to you, so watch out what you say!

6. Principle of Action
a) Do it now!! When the universe presents you with an idea that will help you get what you want, don’t hesitate. Do it immediately.

7. Principle of Enthusiasm
a) Put everything you’ve got into everything you do.

8. Principle of Faith
Faith shouts the victory before the battle ever starts!”

9. Principle of Self-Discipline
a) Do what needs to be done when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not.

10. Principle of Persistence
- “I will until”

I have used these ten principles as the basis of my life experience for many years and can attest to the fact that they are indeed a magic formula for creating a life filled with joy and happiness, peace and success.

We have the ability to live happy, successful lives filled with abundance. Why settle for less?

Author's Bio: 

Carol M Barrett is a former college teacher, counselor, motivational speaker, and expert author. Born with the belief that we were meant to be happy, she has spent more than 30 years studying and researching how those who have it all have gotten it. This research has resulted in finding truths that have changed her life, and caused her to constantly strive to find new and exciting ways to share that knowledge with the world.

To this end she has recently released her book The Secret to Finding Love and is anticipating the release of her next book on happiness and success in 2011.

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