Presumably, white magic aims to improve peoples' lives through bringing prosperity, love, happiness, and positive experiences. There are spells for love, business success, weight loss, and many more. Black magic, on the other hand, aims to do harm.

Magic has not always been termed black and white with the same meaning we give to it today. The black color had been associated with the magical practices in Egypt, called Kem (black). The color of the fertile soil on the Nile's delta was black, in contrast to the barren sands of the surrounding desert which were red. For this reason, the black color was associated with the good forces while the red color was linked to the evil forces. Apart from that, the skin color of the people who live in Africa, India, Australia, and the Caribbean region is black. The magic of the black people was named black magic.

In fact, the intentions of the magician determine the result, not the color of the magic. In principle, the black color is associated with force and control - the power to act and have control over the others. Magic, as weapons, can be used to do harm or for self-protection.

If you come under psychic attack and are the victim of black magic there is a lot you can do to help yourself. Negative spells directed at you are draining and cause you to lose energy. We can identify some of the more common psychic practices of stealing the energy of others, or psychic vampires, we can begin to understand the challenges of the one who is under attack.

Here are some protection suggestions and methods you can apply:

- Know that a big part of any black spell is to create fear. It is the fear created by the victim that fuels much of the bad luck the poor victim suffers. Naturally the one who undergoes such a wicked experience has no idea what is happening to him. He is unaware of it in most cases. Psychic attack is real. Anyone who tries to manipulate or to control another can be considered the instigator of a psychic attack.

- Carry a crystal of black tourmaline on you to aid your energy. This crystal stone is well known to psychics and deflects a lot of the negative energy directed towards the victim back to its source. It is a very good protection crystal.

- Do prayer and meditation. Purification practices such as prayer are a big help. The fact is the more positive energy we create for ourselves the more the psychic attack will melt away and become ineffective.\

One skill every psychic must have is to know how to block negative energy. You can carry crystals and essential oils to help you fight off the bad vibrations.

Your pure heart counts for a lot too. So do spiritual practices and it is all relevant. Psychic black magic will bring you trouble in the end if you dabble in it.

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