Greetings, beloveds. When basic needs are barely met or you are faced with other life challenges, you are in a perfect space to raise your vibration. Your first inclination may be to get caught up in fear. We invite you to look at your predicament in a new light, from a different perspective. First of all, we suggest that you embrace the fear rather than avoid it. Fear is merely energy - a vibration, a thought form. As a human you have the ability to change your thought forms, and thereby change your feelings, which will change your vibration and your connection with All That Is.

This may not be an easy task when you first attempt it, but it will become easier as you put it into practice more often.

What you have with challenging situations are opportunities. Challenging situations are opportunities to increase your vibration. You are never given a problem without the solution. The solutions to your challenges are always available.

Of course, if you are focusing on the challenge, you may not see the solution, so it is of paramount importance to focus on the solution.

As you focus on the solution, you will receive guidance, which can come from many different sources. If you are able to see images, you may get a mental picture of the solution. It may come in the form of an idea. The solution may come from something a friend tells you. It can come from anywhere; so we ask that you remain vigilant, remain aware and be present.

You are moving through a time of unprecedented opportunity for personal growth and spiritual development.

We encourage you to embrace your power and accept your role as the powerful human you are. We ask that you accept your role as the powerful spiritual being you are. Of course, we ask this only if it feels appropriate for you.

Will it be easy? Probably not at first, but it will get easier, especially if you ask to move through this phase of your life with ease and grace. It can be difficult or it can be easy; it is your attitude toward the situation that makes the difference. Do you look at your life challenges dread, or do you look at your life challenges as an opportunity to grow - an opportunity to raise your vibration?

Your frame of mind changes everything. Your attitude determines your vibration. Different things happen when you carry a high vibration rather than a low vibration: your world changes.

Peace and confidence about your ability to handle anything presented to you are available. You have the capacity to manage any challenge that comes your way. You are not given any obstacle that you cannot overcome. We ask that you reach inside and find the strength and determination to meet your challenges.

You have reserves available that you have not tapped yet. You also have help available to you from the other side of the veil when you ask for assistance. When you take that first step, we will be there to assist you when you give us permission to help. Once again, you must be conscious and aware of the guidance you receive.

You are on planet Earth by choice. You are here because you wanted to be here during this time to assist with the raising of the consciousness of your planet. All of the answers and abilities you require to move through this are already inside you, waiting to be released via your vibration.

Ask yourself periodically what kind of vibration you are emitting. Are you radiating a high frequency or a low frequency? Are you sending a vibration of strength and power, or a vibration of weakness and defeat? Are you sending the vibration of one who knows that you are creating your reality, and accepts responsibility for it, or the vibration of a victim, thus avoiding responsibility for your creations? Are you worrying about the future, or are you grateful for the present? Are you concerned about where your next meal will come from, or do you appreciate the food you are eating now? We ask that you be present and appreciate the air you breathe, the water you drink and whatever else you have to appreciate. Are you worrying about your future, or are you appreciating the beauty in your day, the smile of another person, the beauty of a sunrise or sunset or the beauty of the landscape?

You are more powerful than you know. You are more capable than you know. Your willingness to accept and exercise your power and move through your challenges with a high vibration does more good for you and others than you know.
We ask that you embrace your power and consider looking at your world (which includes your challenges) with new eyes and a new approach. Rather than succumb to life's hurdles, we ask that you resolve to find your power and exercise it for your highest good and the highest good of all.
We remind you that you are a POWERFUL being and ask that you consider accepting your power.

We encourage you to embrace fear when it comes up and focus on the solutions to your challenges as you anticipate receiving guidance.

You are loved beyond your knowing.


Randy’s comments:

January 2012
As human beings we are going to find ourselves having negative thoughts from time to time. The important thing is not to stay in that energy, but to move out of it quickly to a higher vibration. Therefore, I’m going to share a few techniques I use to maintain a high

Managing fear so that it does not seize our life is of paramount importance, because if we don’t, it takes over and we are no longer able to move smoothly along the river of life. Fear will incapacitate us if we allow it to do so.

This is the method I use to manage and transmute fear: First I acknowledge the fear. Then I experience/embrace the fear, allowing it to dissipate. In many cases it dissipates completely in a moment or two just by acknowledging and experiencing the feeling. This can take a moment or two, or several minutes, depending on the level of fear. If it is a deep seated feeling, it may not totally dissipate at first and that is okay; in this case, just move on to the next step.

The next step in the process is to embrace love – embrace the feeling of love. Allow the feeling of love to permeate your entire being.

After you are comfortable with this method, you will be able to move directly from fear to love at times. As soon as you notice that you are being fearful, bring forth the feeling of love. If you find it difficult to easily bring forth the feeling of love, you can think about someone or something you love to get the feeling.

• Managing Fear
o Acknowledge/Embrace the Fear
o Embrace the feeling of Love – Replace Fear with Love

You may find yourself just feeling off-center, or you may know right away that you are worrying. Whatever the case, first say “STOP,” then focus your attention on your breathing for a moment or two to center yourself and be present.

Next, determine what threw you off-center by asking what it was. In many cases, you won’t have to ask because you’ll know right away what you were doing.

After you determine what you were worrying about, acknowledge that you were worrying and move into the energy, the feeling. That alone will allow the energy/worry to partially or completely dissipate.

The next step is to create a short affirmation of the opposite. For example, if you found yourself worrying about finances, you could say something like, “I allow myself to enjoy financial abundance,” then move into that feeling. Alternatively, you could ask yourself, “What would it feel like to be outrageously prosperous?” or something similar. Then it is important to move into the feeling and feel grateful for your prosperity. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of getting into the feeling.

If you don’t have time for the full exercise when you find yourself worrying, you can move directly from worry to appreciation or gratitude.

• STOP, breathe, question, embrace, state affirmation and appreciate
o Stop – say STOP and stop worrying
o Breathe – conscious breathing
o Question – determine what is bothering you
o Embrace – embrace the energy and allow it to dissipate
o State – state opposite affirmation
o Feel – feel gratitude and/or appreciation for your creation/affirmation

It is best to practice these techniques on minor events as you go about your day, so that when you are confronted with a major challenge, you are prepared and automatically adapt.

Sending love and good fortune,


I have posted explanations for “vibration” and “frequency below:

Vibration: When I use the term “vibration,” I am using it the same way I use the word “frequency”; in other words, “vibration” and “frequency” are Interchangeable. The rate of vibration is the frequency. The faster something is vibrating, the higher the frequency.

Frequency: All radio stations transmit a specific frequency. When a radio is tuned to the frequency of a radio station, it receives the signal of that station, and it plays whatever the station is transmitting. We also transmit a frequency based on our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions create a frequency. We magnetically draw events into our lives whose frequency matches the one we emit. Our world is receiving and playing the frequency we transmit. That is how we create our reality.

©2012 – Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website. This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission. Randall T Monk,

Author's Bio: 

Randy Monk is an international teacher of self-improvement, metaphysics and spiritual topics. He has been studying subjects of this nature since the early 1970’s and teaching them since 2007. Randy is the author of Life Mastery Tools for The Age of Ascension. He also co-authored the Becoming an Alpha Master audio program with Ronna Herman. For several years, he has been working closely with Ronna, a messenger for Archangel Michael. Randy is Executive Facilitator and Director of QUEST FOR MASTERY (, an online school, with a focus on the teachings of Archangel Michael. He also helps people discover their life purpose, manage life’s challenges and manifest their dreams, among other things, via webinars and workshops His website and blog can be found at