I am blessed to be an Amazon #1 Bestselling author. But…

- there is something about us authors!

We are often reluctant to allow ourselves the luxury of the thought that we can make money from our hard work! Plumbers don’t have this problem, office workers don’t, and construction workers don’t. But somewhere along the history of writing it has become accepted that we should spend hundreds of hours creating a wonderful book and then be delighted with a few crumbs in return!

Oh sure, we secretly imagine hitting the big time and being that one in a million celebrity author who travels business class from book signing to book signing – but we know it is just a harmless fantasy.

But the reality is in fact somewhere in between.

The problem with the “struggling writer” mindset is that it is not a sustainable Lifestyle. If you have to work 50 hours a week plus commuting, plus family time, plus time with your spouse, and keeping fit, and seeing friends…

- well where is your writing time? And if you do manage to snatch an hour here or there do you bring energy and excitement or exhaustion to your writing?

Ten years ago, even once you finished your book, there was still a mountain to climb – an agent and a publisher. Even if you got through dozens of rejection slips and got accepted you had an 18 month lead time until your book hit the shelves.

Once your book hit the shelves, you got $2 for every $25 book sold because all of the “middle men” and the publisher took their cut.

And worst of all, very few authors sold more than a handful of copies of their books!

Shocking Statistics

Consider these shocking statistics from an article in Publisher’s Weekly, July 17, 2006:

Of 1.2 million books in print tracked by Nielsen Bookscan:

79% of books sold less than 99 copies.

Only four percent (4%) of books sold more than 1,000 copies.

Only two percent (2%) of books sold more than 5,000 copies.

Amazon – the Solution

After you finish reading this post you are going to think I work for Amazon – I don’t. In fact they work for me.

There are 1,000,000 Ebooks on Amazon right now and 260,000,000 customers (Get that? Too many customers, not enough products – 260 to 1).

Ebooks are outselling paper books at 25:1 (yup twenty five to one).

If you want to make money from a potential 260,000,000 people, and you could write a 20 page book – get a book up on Amazon NOW.

This weekend you could write a 20 page ebook on:

Your knowledge base;

Your hobby;
Your passion;
A short story;
A short novella;
Four very short stories;
That book you started years ago;
That book that got rejected by a publisher.

Something AMAZING that only you could write – and you will make money.

Amazon – sooooo Easy

Remember the 18 month lead time I talked about if you even got a publishing deal? Now when I finish a book, it takes me under 15 minutes to upload it to Amazon and I am making money within 24 hours.

FREE Videos

Do you want me to show you how EASY it is to upload a book to Amazon? I do it in this video absolutely live – in 12 minutes:


Do you want to watch a FULL webinar that was over subscribed that I took down from YouTube because of the HUGE amount of IP that I revealed? Here is the one hour and 48 minute webinar:


Your Genre

No matter how small your niche/genre – there is an audience for your book. 10 years ago you could not find an audience for a book in a small niche, but now with hundreds of millions of people purchasing on Amazon – it doesn’t matter how small your niche is.

Passive Income

Last October I had never sold a book to anyone, now I have ten books on Amazon and my author income in February was US$3,119 and it has been going up every month.

None of it happened by accident – it was all part of a plan.

The plan is laid out in detail in my new book “How to Become an Amazon #1 Bestselling Author – and Make Money!”

Your Knowledge

Millions of people want to read about the knowledge YOU already have! Either your know-how (non-fiction) or your imagination (fiction).

And I am not talking about a 300 page book! I have two books on Amazon that are under 20 pages each that I wrote in a day – that are making me money!

How To Succeed on Amazon

I spent two years planning my book launch after I finished writing my book. I spent five months studying Amazon’s systems. In fact I spent 2,087 unpaid hours finding out the secrets to successfully publishing your book on Amazon.

The great news for YOU is that I put all of my strategies and secrets into a 116 page book that you can use to make money as an author.

I want to change your future as an author.

I don’t want you to buy a book – I want you to make an INVESTMENT in your career as a writer.

I want to give you the opportunity to increase your book sales and MAKE MONEY.

Oli Hille

Amazon #1 Bestselling Author of “Creating the Perfect Lifestyle”


Author's Bio: 

Oli Hille is the author of the Amazon #1 Bestselling Personal Development book “Creating the Perfect Lifestyle” which was reviewed as the “Must have book of the century” (by Midwest Book Review, USA).