COVID-19 pandemic has caused a dramatic change in our lives. The world is now facing an unprecedented crisis, with many countries on lockdown or under strict quarantine to contain the spread of this virus. In addition to the physical health impact, the psychological impact of the pandemic has been severe as well. People are experiencing anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other sleep disorders. All these problems can be managed through appropriate management strategies. This article aims to provide practical advice for managing sleep and stress during the COVID-19 outbreak. We will focus on three main areas: how to manage sleep disturbance; how to manage stress;

Sleep disturbance

Sleep disturbances have become common during the covid 19 pandemic. A recent study showed that more than half of people who were tested positive for COVID-19 had symptoms of insomnia. Insomnia may result from fear of infection, social isolation, and lack of sleep hygiene. It is important to recognize the early signs of insomnia so that they can be treated promptly. Common symptoms include difficulty falling asleep, waking up too early, feeling tired after sleeping, and having trouble staying awake while working. Other symptoms include increased daytime napping, decreased appetite, and poor concentration. If you suspect that you might be suffering from insomnia, please seek help immediately. sleep benefits are very important for maintaining good mental health.

How to manage sleep disturbance

  • Good night sleep hygiene is essential for good quality sleep. Good sleep hygiene includes a regular bedtime routine, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before going to bed, maintaining a consistent wake-up time, and getting plenty of exercise. These simple steps can improve your sleep quality and make you feel better.
  • If you experience insomnia due to fear of infection, try to avoid watching the news about COVID-19 and keep yourself informed by reading reputable sources such as the WHO website. Try not to worry about the possibility of being infected. This could worsen your condition.
  • If you find it hard to fall asleep at night, take a hot bath or shower before going to bed. This helps relax the body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep. Avoid using electronic devices such as smartphones and tablets close to bedtime. They emit blue light which suppresses melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland that regulates the circadian rhythm. Lack of sufficient melatonin causes disruption of normal sleep patterns
  • Avoid drinking coffee or tea within 3 hours before bedtime. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and increases alertness. It also makes it harder to fall asleep.
  • Try to get enough restful sleep every day. You should go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Do not stay up late into the night.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise improves sleep quality and reduces stress levels. It also boosts mood and energy. Regular exercise can reduce fatigue and increase productivity.
  • Last but not the least, you can't expect to sleep well if your bed isn't comfortable, no matter how relaxed you are, how good your sleep schedule is, or what you've done before bed. It's critical to find the right pillow and mattress for you if you want to get a good night's sleep. You can visit various online resources on bed & mattress guide if you're not sure which bed or mattress are best for you. This will assist you in making the greatest purchase possible for cheap beds, allowing you to get the best sleep you've ever had this year!

How to Manage Stress

People are experiencing high levels of stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stress can cause sleep disturbance and disrupt daily life. To cope with stress, we need to learn effective ways of dealing with stressful situations. Here are some tips:

  • Learn to say no to requests. Saying yes to everything does not solve anything. It only adds to your stress level. Always prioritize what needs to be done first. Make sure that you do not spend all your time on tasks that are not urgent.
  • Do something enjoyable. Enjoying activities can relieve stress and boost self-esteem. Find things that you enjoy doing and do them regularly. Spend time with friends and family. Spending time with loved ones will give you strength and support
  • Take breaks when needed. When you are stressed out, take a break and do something relaxing. Go for a walk, listen to music, read a book, or watch TV.
  • Practice mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on present moment experiences without judgment. It allows us to notice our thoughts and feelings without reacting to them. It promotes emotional well-being and reduces stress.
  • Practice gratitude. Gratitude is an attitude that recognizes what we already have instead of always looking for what we don't have. It brings happiness and peace of mind.
  • Be mindful of self-care. Self-care means taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat balanced meals. Drink plenty of water. Get adequate amounts of physical activity. Take regular breaks from work. Relax and enjoy leisure activities.
  • Develop coping strategies. Coping skills help you deal with difficult situations. They enable you to adapt to changes in your environment. Developing positive thinking skills can improve your ability to cope with stressors.
  • Get enough rest. Lack of sleep causes anxiety, irritability, and poor concentration. You may find it hard to concentrate at work if you are tired.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and other substances impair judgment and decision-making. They affect your memory and coordination.

 How to sleep well Covid 19

Good sleep hygiene includes getting up at the same time every day, going to bed at roughly the same time each night, sleeping in a comfortable position, having a consistent bedroom temperature, avoiding caffeine after midday, and limiting screen time before bedtime.

  • Do not use alcohol or caffeine within 4 hours before bedtime. Alcohol and caffeine stimulate the central nervous system and make it difficult to fall asleep.
  • Keep your bedroom cool. The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 60°F and 70°F. If the room is too warm, open the windows. Too cold may be uncomfortable. Always wear comfortable clothing to bed. Wearing pajamas or pajamas keeps your feet warm and prevents sweating.
  • Turn off electronics such as computers, TVs, mobile phones, and other electrical appliances 1 hour before bedtime. Blue light emitted by these gadgets suppresses melatonin production, causing insomnia.
  • Limit exposure to bright lights. Exposure to artificial light after sunset disturbs the natural circadian rhythm. Limit computer screen brightness and avoid reading material or watching television right before bedtime.


Covid 19 pandemic is one of the most challenging global health issues of this century. This pandemic has affected every aspect of human life including mental health. Managing stress and sleep during Covid 19 pandemic is essential for everyone's well-being. Always remember to take time out for yourself. Practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

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