Dr. Katie Garnett

Marketing Miracles happen in a number of ways:

1. Finding out who you are and what you have to offer.

2. Identifying where the integrity lives within who you are and what you have to offer.

3. Bringing coherence between who you are, what you have to offer and what your clients truly want from you.

4. And, clearing the way between advertising and mesmerizing with love.

Step 3: Clear Thinking

Bringing coherence between who you are, what you have to offer, and what your clients truly want from you means finding your tribe.

So first things first, what does finding your tribe mean. We are in a time of burgeoning global coherence. Amongst the apparent chaos of events, and living the experience of ‘interesting times’, there is an inherent ‘sense’ that we are moving rapidly into a time of significant emotional energetic change. We are in a time of comprehension of the energy of thoughts and the concept of probability and how energy is converted to matter.

The good news is that even if we don’t know we know how to do that, we know at the unconscious levels how to do that. And even better news is, we do not have to do it alone. We are coalescing into tribes of shared energy, and these tribes or like-groups are in no way closed entities, they are simply emotionally connected groups of people sharing and idea or ideas in common for an unspecified amount of time.

Our tribes may change from time to time, event to event, interest to interest. So finding your tribe in the work you truly love to offer, means identifying what tribe you belong to right now and then opening your energy to those who want to play in your part of the unified field.

There was a wonderful book out several decades ago called, Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow. In some ways it was ahead of its time. Ask yourself now, what do I love? What do I want to do for my work? Which of my talents do I want to offer? Ask those questions, decide what you want to do, and open your energy to the rest of your tribe.

And remember, there is no try, there is only Do.

My best suggestion for identifying where your integrity lives within you and what you have to offer – starts with The One Command. If you have practiced this well-known process of grounding, aligning, going to theta, saying your Command and actually changing your DNA programming, then you already know its power.

Using The One Command, in all its depth, in all its affect on the unified field, in all its success, you change your life, Now:

I don’t know how I am absolutely clear on what I love to do as my work, I only know I am now and I am fulfilled.

I don’t know how I feel the love of my work within me and offer it to my tribe, I only know I do now and I am fulfilled.

I don’t know how I trust that my tribe senses my energy and arrives at my door, I only know it is so now and I am fulfilled.

I don’t know how I clearly recognize my tribe and the ease of our interactions, I only know I do now and I am fulfilled.

I don’t know how I trust myself and my work always, I only know I do now and I am fulfilled.

Step 4: Come back to learn how to clear the way between advertising…and mesmerizing with love.

Blessings, Katie – The One Command Certified Leader and Coach

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Katie Garnett a Certified Leader of The One Command Seminars, Certified Circle Leader Global Coordinator and Trainer, Personal Achievement Coach, International consultant and founder of Seeds of Success and Behavioral DNA Patterns, and co-founder of Programs for Awakening. You can contact her at or visit