Are you satisfied with what you've got? Are you where you want to be? Is what you're doing in life fulfilling? Do you wake up and look forward to the day? If you answered "no" to these questions, you might want to take a serious look at what you're doing, because if the saying is correct -- you're going to stay right where you are and everything will remain the same (or get worse).

Life is not about reaching a constant, but rather constantly reaching. If we aren't reaching, growing and changing, we're standing still or falling backwards.

Consider athletes. They are constantly reaching for victory. However, they don't become victorious by just thinking about it, planning for it, talking about it, or merely envisioning it. They do all these things in addition to working hard; they must train. If they aren't training they aren't winning. They don't win by just trying -- they win by conditioning their muscles, training their thinking, and honing their skills. If they aren't doing these things off the field (or court), they'll fail when it comes time to compete against their opponent.

So how are you reaching for your dreams? Are you doing something every day to move yourself forward? Even "baby steps" will get you where you want to go -- but you've got to stand up and start putting one foot in front of the other!

It's consistently reaching for your goal every day that will bring you victory one day. Today we encourage you to press on through the "training" process. May you have courage to take one more step toward your goal. And may you have strength to hang in there because you are worth it

Author's Bio: 

Ginny Dye, Sandi Valentine & Suess Karlsson are a team of writers who all share a passion to empower and motivate everyone who they touch through their writing. Their stories are a gift to the world! Learn how to create the success you dream of, overcome obstacles and challenges, and live a life of grace and love. Please visit us at