You’re never too old to learn to play a musical instrument. While music lessons are often targeted at children, people of all ages have decided to study instrumental music. It might because they formerly lacked the time to practice or money for lessons. Maybe now that their kids are grown, they finally have more time for themselves. Learning a musical instrument can have a positive impact on several areas of your life, especially mental health.

Learn a New Hobby

Everyone can benefit from adopting a new pastime. Learning to perform music provides an opportunity to try something different that you will likely enjoy. The challenge of mastering a new skill that renders a lovely and meaningful result can lift your spirits and awaken your curiosity, both of which can help to support a positive mental outlook. As you practice and gain mastery of your chosen instrument, your self-confidence and self-image will also be raised.

Preserve Cognition

The act of learning a new activity that involves both the brain and the hands brings together a synergy of mind and body. This alliance promotes serenity to comfort you as well as fostering mental stimulation as you learn new aspects of music understanding and appreciation. Keeping your mind malleable and strong as you grow older can help decrease the effects of certain illnesses, like dementia.

Entertain Others

Music is a social activity. As you learn to perform various pieces on your piano, for example, you can entertain guests or family members with live music by using your new abilities. The impression can be deepened when you play on a quality instrument. You can visit a local Steinway premier dealer to see new and used piano models that might fit well into your home for personal enjoyment and for gatherings with family members and friends.

You can also play with others, making more complex melodies and highlighting the beauty of all the instruments involved. Perhaps you have a talented singer in the family that wants someone to accompany them, or perhaps your friend’s band needs another member.

Exercise Creativity

In addition to learning and improving newfound skills, you may decide to experiment with your creativity in writing or exploring your own pieces of music. Expanding your creative talent in the comfort of your home is a safe way to make mistakes as you learn while also trying new music forms that you might not be inclined to do in public music lessons. Even if you take lessons outside the home, you can practice creatively when at home.

Set an Example

By learning a new and valuable skill like how to perform an instrument while an adult, you are setting an example for other members of your family to take a chance and explore their creative side as well. Whether kids, other adults, or seniors, loved ones will probably notice and admire your music interests and may be inspired to explore their own and glean similar benefits.

Music is for everyone, and you don’t have to have been practicing since you were a child to pick up an instrument. Learning to play a new musical instrument can be an exciting experience while supporting mental health. Take a few lessons to see if musical performance can improve your emotional outlook and overall wellbeing.

Author's Bio: 

Anica is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she's used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here.