Can you use the Law of Attraction for weight loss? The answer is absolutely YES!
Here are a few steps to ensure your success.
First, you need to become aware of the negative thoughts surrounding us about weight. “If you eat that, you’ll get fat.” “Obesity is genetic and can’t be controlled.” “It’s hard to lose weight.” now, these extremely common statements and regularly accepted “facts” are part of the root cause of our obesity problems. What we accept, we allow. What we believe, is what we experience. The Law of Attraction will bring you more of whatever your dominant focus is upon.
If you have accepted that eating certain foods will make you fat, and then proceed to eat them because you like them, you may expect to grow fat. If you accept that obesity is genetic, you will not attempt to lose weight. You won’t even try. And if you accept that losing weight is difficult, as almost anyone will happily tell you, then you are agreeing that your path to losing weight must be difficult, if not impossible. None of these thoughts are in alignment with your ideal weight.
Take a good hard look at your beliefs about diet, exercise, and weight and your body. Do you believe that because you are a couch potato or a computer geek, your lack of exercise will cause you to become fat? We usually get what we expect to get so don’t be surprised when you look in the mirror and see your fat self. Our beliefs, thoughts and expectations firmly dictate our reality. so if you want to change your reality, first you need to change your thoughts.
Here is a scientific fact: Most of the cells in your body die and are replaced fairly frequently. These cells grow according to what you place in your body and what nutrients they are given or deprived of. If you begin a healthy lifestyle now, the potential for fast bodily change is very real, but you must be aware that this is possible, otherwise you are going to fall back onto the old limiting belief of “losing weight is hard”.
Your thoughts create your reality, and what could you possibly have more control over than your own physical body, the one apparatus in the physical world that you do not appear to be disconnected from?
The most important thing in weight loss is your mental body image. Every day you look at yourself in the mirror. If you look with disgust at the part or parts of your body that you are unhappy with then this is feeding negative energy into your bodily image, and that’s exactly what you will attract – more things to feel disgusted with about your body.
When you look in the mirror, don’t judge yourself, love yourself. Your body carries you around, and you should be grateful that you have one at all! Completely accept your body as it is right now, and decide that you would like to change it in order to give yourself a happier, healthier existence. Make peace with your body as it is now. When you love your body, then naturally your body will feel better and will become healthier. as this happens your body will naturally shift to fit the image that you are holding in your mind: a healthier, thinner body. You will never lose weight while seeing yourself as fat.
Looking in the mirror and seeing the you that you want to be is easier than you think when you deliberately take charge of your thoughts and feelings. For more information go to

Author's Bio: 

Lexie Moon is a Certified Law of Attraction/Life coach. A graduate of Quantum Success Coaching Academy. Lexie does private one on one sessions as well as live group coaching.
Lexie offers powerful sessions to pinpoint your desires and take strategic steps and action right on the calls that will catapult your vibration towards the things you desire. Identify limiting beliefs that may have you stuck. Lexie will take you by the hand and help you identify how to get from where you are to where you want to be in any area of your life. This is Law of Attraction in Action at it’s best.
Contact me if you are ready to deliberately create your life as you want it to be. See my website at for more info or send me an email at