"As the economy continues to improve, demand for facelifts and other facial rejuvenation surgery will increase," ASAPS said in releasing its industry predictions for 2011. "Non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures will also see some growth, but people who have been putting off surgery for the past few years because of the economy will be ready for the gold standard in facial rejuvenation in 2011."

If your plans for 2011 include undergoing facial plastic surgery or any other cosmetic procedure, Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery and Reviva Medical Spa have a few New Year's beauty resolution tips that will help you prepare for and maintain your beautiful results.

"Research shows that, by huge margins, the top three New Year's resolutions are losing weight, beginning an exercise program and nixing smoking habits," says Dr. Roberto Garcia. "All three of these are excellent ways to help a patient prepare for a facial plastic surgery or less invasive cosmetic procedure."

Weight loss shows first in the face and can leave skin loose. So, if you plan to lose a significant amount of weight, do it before you schedule your facelift for the best results.

Smoking, whether active or passive, is associated with the lung and heart conditions that increase a patient's risk of peri-operative and post-operative complications and makes them more susceptible to complications related to anesthesia. Plus, non-smokers heal faster and are less prone to scarring.

Exercise and a nutrient-rich diet will help you heal quicker and gives your face a healthy glow. Your diet should include lots of water, protein, fruits and vegetables, and be low in fat, salt and sugar.

Other tips include regular facials, vitamin and mineral supplements and a skincare routine. Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery's Reviva Medical Spa offers an array of luxurious facial treatments and peels that leave your skin smooth, healthy and vibrant. They also carry several top-shelf lines of prescription skincare systems including Belladerm-Rx and Obagi Medical. And the Reviva Anti-Aging Vitamin Line includes vitamins that will help you prepare for your facelift or other procedure and maintain the results. Patients who take these supplements report less bruising and swelling, and shorter recovery times than those who do not.

Resolve to be your most beautiful you this year! Call Garcia Facial Plastic Surgery at 904-247-8522 to schedule your consultation today.

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