Nighttime Anxiety Medication: How To Banish Nocturnal Panic Attacks And Get Some Sleep

Many people, often called 'night owls' tend to come alive and get livelier as the night approaches. But for some, the dark brings nothing but bad news. They feel agitated, worried and anxious. It is estimated that 50% of those with panic disorder suffer from nocturnal panic attacks. If you are one of these people, here are 5 ways you can reduce night anxiety and finally get some rest.

Do Not Get Out Of Bed
When you get out of bed during an anxiety attack, this will only stress you out more and increase your panic. It is recommended that you stay in bed and find ways to calm your mind. Try chanting a mantra or writing down your thoughts during an attack. Writing not only relieves you of stress, it will also help you analyze the causes behind your distress.

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One of the best ways of banishing night anxiety is a good, physical workout each evening. Try exercising at night, followed by a 15 minute shower. This works because your mind may try to keep you awake, but the physical exhaustion that comes from exercising will bring sleep on quicker.

Avoid Prescription Sleep Aids
The problem with 'sleeping pills' is that they disrupt normal sleep patterns. A nights sleep after popping a Xanax isn't the same as a nights sleep without the sedative. Furthermore, prescription sleeping aids can cause dependency. Consider herbs instead. They are natural sedatives and will not cause addiction. Common herbs used to promote sleep are valerian, kava kava, st. john's wort and catnip.

Ensure The Proper Sleep Environment
To deepen your sleep and minimize disruptions during the night, make sure your mattress is large enough to stretch and turn comfortably. Also use comfortable bed linens, pillows and blankets to provide you sufficient relief from anxiety. Keep the room temperature slightly cooler with adequate ventilation. Your sleeping environment should additionally be dark, with minimal noise level. Going to bed with the television on or dim lights can confuse the body clock and prevent you from getting any rest.

Practice Breathing Exercises
If you are hit with an attack during bedtime and wake up, go into sound breathing exercises. Do this by breathing in through your nose for 2 seconds and out through your mouth for another 2. Continue doing this until the attack subsides, and it will. Practice this technique for a few minutes during the day until you are comfortable with the transition.

Night anxiety doesn't have to keep you up. By following these easy steps, you can banish your nocturnal panic attacks and get some much deserved sleep.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover practical methods to get through frightening panic attacks and eliminate anxiety in a safe, effective, and natural way... and rid yourself of anxiety and panic attacks permanently! You won't find out about this anywhere else. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here!

Regardless of what task you could be dealing with, having good, sound suggestions can help you. Once you have a good guide, it can be of great help in completing your task. There are three important approaches presented in the following paragraphs that will help. Follow these steps and you will get improved outcomes.

When searching for herbal remedies for anxiety and panic attacks, it truly is essential that you do things the right way. If you do not, the outcomes could in fact be disastrous. Chances are you'll end up showing no signs of improvement at all, or, even going backwards. Here are three important steps to protect against that from happening...

1. Consult Your Doctor

If you are taking, or about to take, prescribed medications, then consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of taking specific herbal remedies with them. You need to do this because of any potential conflicts, although in the majority of cases there shouldn't be. Nevertheless talk to your doctor anyway.

2. Avoid Alcohol

It is prudent to completely avoid alcohol whilst taking herbal remedies for anxiety and panic attacks. This helps to ensure that the potency of the herbal remedy isn't increased beyond what is required, and, prevents any possibility of adverse side effects, which may happen when alcohol and some remedies are mixed.

3. Pregnant?

If you are pregnant, you must consult your doctor and natural healthcare professional about the advisability of taking the specified herbal remedies whilst pregnant. This is not to say you can't take herbal remedies whilst pregnant, all we're saying is to make sure that you can take ones that are safe for you and baby.

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As I pointed out at the beginning, with regards to searching for herbal remedies for anxiety and panic attacks, you desperately want to be certain you do not make mistakes that wind up showing no signs of improvement at all, or perhaps even going backwards in your quest for a cure. So follow these simple steps.

But -- and it's a big but -- although herbal remedies for anxiety and panic attacks can help in terms of managing your 'mood', they cannot help in one vital area; your fear of having panic attacks...

You see, once having suffered a terrifying panic attack, you have an understandable fear (conscious or unconscious) of having another. The problem is that this fear, itself, can build on your already elevated anxiety levels and actually trigger another unwanted panic attack.

Then what happens is that this panic attack increases your fear even more, which triggers another attack, which increases your fear, and so on and on. This is your vicious cycle of anxiety, which you need to break in order to successfully eliminate your panic attacks for good and cure your general anxiety.

You can't breathe, your thoughts are racing, and you might even feel like you're having a heart attack. You've tried medication, but it's not working like it used to--or it never worked at all. You can't stand the anxiety and panic any more, and you want a solution that works: Click Here

Finally... Easy natural anxiety remedies & simple ways to eliminate your chest-crushing anxiety and get your life back... Visit How to Get Rid of Anxiety

What are panic attacks exactly? Many people talk about such things, but unless you've actually suffered one, they're really hard to describe.

First, here are some of the most common symptoms of a panic attack: dizziness, nausea, tightness in chest and or throat, tingling fingers, hot / cold flashes, racing heart, irregular heartbeat, lightheadedness, a feeling of being 'detached' from reality, and a feeling of impending doom. Really terrifying, right!

O.K. but why do these symptoms occur? In other words, why do some people get panic attacks? Usually, someone who suffers panic attacks already has much higher-than-normal (for them) levels of anxiety. Putting aside why this might be, the result of having elevated anxiety levels is that just one stressful event (e.g. being stuck in an elevator, sitting an exam, etc.) can then push your overall anxiety levels way over the top.

Your body (mis)reads this as you being in a dangerous position and so triggers its primeval 'fight or flight' response to help you fight the 'danger' or run away from it. It therefore triggers important chemical and other changes in your body to give you the best chance of survival. These changes are responsible for the symptoms you experience during a panic attack.

So how do you successfully manage panic attacks? The key is to be aware of as many facts about panic attacks as you can. And you've already made a great start just by reading thus far! You now know what the symptoms are and what causes your attacks.

Learn How I Used 3 Simple Techniques To Stop Panic & Anxiety Attacks

Next, you need to understand that panic attacks cannot harm you and they certainly cannot kill you. This is a medical fact. But even by understanding why they are caused, you can see that they are just symptoms that occur as a result of a perceived threat that isn't there in reality.

Now, armed with this knowledge, you are in a much better position to manage a panic attack. For example, at the first signs of one coming on, you can act more positively knowing that these symptoms cannot harm you. Even repeat that in your head at those first signs: "I know what this is and I know it can't harm me." This can help lessen the severity and shorten the length of your attack.

One of the most horrible symptoms is the rapid heartbeat and shallow, short breathing pattern. If this is allowed to continue your oxygen / carbon dioxide balance gets upset, and the result is even worse. Get back to more relaxed, controlled deeper breathing, in through the nose and out through your mouth.

At the same time, to prevent yourself from analysing your symptoms and making matters worse, focus outwardly on buildings, trees, cars, people, anything to take attention away from your symptoms. This can help against that horrible 'being detached from reality' feeling.

These are positive, intelligent steps you can take to manage panic attacks successfully. They won't prevent them, but they will help shorten their length and intensity by 'managing' the situation more positively. What you really need to do, to eliminate them completely, is to break out of your 'vicious cycle of anxiety.'

If You're Ready to Finally Wave Goodbye to Anxiety – that anxiety and dread that looms over you from the moment you wake... those nagging worries of what could happen to you or your loved ones... those stressful situations which send your brain into overdrive even when you just want to unwind – all those things that hold you back from a more relaxed happier life – Then Click Here to quash anxiety, once and for all – without side effects or costly ineffective therapy.

Anxiety cures can help people overcome anxiety attacks, even if these attacks include panic. Unlike other kinds of illnesses or disorders, simply knowing what is happening behind the scenes when a panic attack occurs, is often enough to make it go away. In this article, we will tell you what is behind panic and anxiety.

Of course, the first thing a person should do when he is experiencing any kind of problem that would fall under a medical purview is see the doctor. They can assure you your problem is anxiety and not a true physical problem. Since many people who experience anxiety are constantly fearing a major physical episode of some kind, being cleared by someone in the medical community is a good first step toward recovery.

Trying to Ignore Anxiety is not helpful

When anxiety strikes, the first inclination we have is to pull back from the feelings this anxiety attack causes. We often try not to pay any attention to it. This is actually the wrong thing to do. Trying to ignore it intensifies panic because the fact we are afraid to look it in the eye means we are afraid of it. Panic thrives on fear.

When panic strikes, don't be afraid to recognize it. Furthermore, examine the feelings of panic brings with it. Then, try to make these feelings or symptoms worse. Yes, trying to intensify feelings that are unwelcome sounds like a strange way to go about stopping them. However, this method works.

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Look at Every Physical Sensation

If you feel as if your heart is beating hard, stop everything and draw all your attention to it. Try to make your heart beat harder. You will find you cannot do this. The only way your heart could beat harder is if you continued to draw back from the panic episode you are experiencing.

If you are shaking, purposely make yourself shake more. This may feel ridiculous but it certainly will not intensify the panic. In fact, it will tend to chase it away because when you pay attention to panic, you do not fear it. Of course, if you try not to pay attention to it you are doing so because you are afraid of it and panic flourishes when you are afraid of it.

In short, the best way to chase a panic attack away is to recline in an easy chair and examine every feeling you have in your body all the way from your head to your toes. Pick apart every feeling you experience. Study each feeling, such as, trembling hands, sweating palms, pounding heart, any feeling you may have in your head and anything else panic brings on. Examine each one and really take a deep hard look at each feeling while you are examining it. By the time you are through, it is very likely you will have administered an anxiety cure.

Former severe anxiety sufferer reveals the only holistic system that will show you how to treat your panic attacks and anxiety, regain your self confidence, and enjoy life without fear, using a unique 3-step method no one else will tell you about... Visit Cure Anxiety Attacks

If you are willing to make just a few simple changes in your daily routine, you can stop your panic attacks and enjoy your daily activities again, both alone and with your friends and family. To learn how you can stop your symptoms in a couple of steps and then prevent them from ever appearing again- Click Here

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Now you can defeat social anxiety or extreme shyness to finally be as confident as you want to be....even if you are frustrated, hopeless and doubting you'll make any progress! Visit Stop Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Still feeling that life is passing you by? Discover how to overcome your anxiety and panic attacks with two simple steps without paying for expensive therapy and without leaving your room... Visit How To Stop Anxiety

Imagine... A life free of the crippling fear of panic attacks! Discuss your anxiety problems on our forum. We can help you to start living your anxiety free life now! Go to: Anxiety Forum