No Contact Rule
Cutting Out the Ex and Moving Forward

Healthy people who experience a relationship break up generally experience universal stages of grief such as anger, sadness, and disappointment. Eventually they come to accept the loss and move forward.

For love addicts, moving on from a broken relationship literally feels like a dreadful insurmountable ordeal. The agonizing feelings go beyond normal grief— as they are in withdrawal from the love addiction. Accepting the fantasy has crumbled, and moving forward seems unbearable.

And so it goes-- the only seemingly viable option for a love addict is to run from the pain by creating ANY form of contact with their ex partner no matter how bad the relationship was. This is the sickness of love addiction.

If you are a love addict going through a break up and are in withdrawal --- it is imperative to realize your healing begins with cutting your drug of choice (your ex) cold turkey - in spite of all the distortions and self-sabotaging voices going on in your mind.

Healing starts with a personal pledge to the No Contact Rule.

If you are in a break up and have love addiction . cutting complete contact with your ex is a critical prerequisite to your recovery.


If you truly want the pain to heal and get back your sanity. you need to STOP acting out your addiction by breaking ANY, and ALL contact with your ex.

The No Contact Rule is a strategy of detaching yourself 100% from your addiction/ ex partner both emotionally and physically--- at all costs.

Look at it this way--- it is like any other addict wanting to break from their addition.

It is equivalent to a drug addict choosing to totally break from their ecstasy, cocaine or heroin? or a recovering alcoholic no longer reaching for a shot of vodka, no longer going to bars or stopping the a local liquor store? and doing it for the sake of the addicts sanity, wanting to get back their sense of self.

No Contact for love addicts means no more seeking that swig of the bottle or "hit" of heroin? except when you are addicted to love, your drug is your ex---- and detaching from the addiction with a knowing that if you do, it will always follow a poisonous and unhealthy outcome.

Like a heroin addict, you "hit the pipe" for each and every contact you have with your ex, and keep trapped in your addiction

No Contact means-- No texting, No calling, No Face booking , No emailing, No twittering, No triangular communication through a friend, No small talk, No nice talk, No how are you, No checking on his/her whereabouts? and No more excuses.

Committing to the No Contact Rule represents no longer choosing the same old destructive pattern-- no more fueling your ex partners wants and needs, while disregarding your own.


When your ex partner contacts you

If, or better yet when-- your ex partner attempts to open the door by contacting you? urging you to bite for the those tiny little crumbs which you have gobbled up for much-much too long-- you say NO, NO, NO, period!

You must refuse to get hoodwinked with his/her drama, self-pity, charm, charisma, seduction tactics, words or promises only to be hurt again and again. You cannot allow it.

When he/she attempts to call, text or email you --- you must choose NOT to respond or answer. You say NO way, NO more--- STOP. You say it is over. You hang up. You disconnect. You physically leave the scene. You detach. You say Good-bye.

You close the door tight. In fact, you forcefully slam the door shut and dead-bolt it ten times and throw away the keys.

When you keep the connection going contact -- you put yourself in a less than position - you put him/her on a false pedestal making him/her your higher power. Your ex is not a God or Goddess. Knock him/her off that fictitious pedestal.

No Contact is about setting healthy boundaries.

The foundation of the No Contact Rule is about setting healthy boundaries. The purpose of setting boundaries is to define your limits. Setting a healthy boundary signifies taking a stand for you, protecting yourself, and taking care of yourself.

No Contact is a boundary rule and is a critical aspect to your recovery and of freeing yourself from toxic relationship patterns.

No Contact is unequivocal and clear-cut with-- NO loopholes -- NO excuses.

Is applying the No Contact Rule permanent?

Well, if the relationship has been a definite addiction; if it was dysfunctional, toxic, unhealthy, hurtful; if your partner had a pattern of being verbally or physically abusive, disrespectful, manipulating and/or indifferent to your feelings, wants and needs— then absolutely!-- detachment must be permanent.

Moreover, the permanency is especially true if you are sick and tired of the pain of being so dependent on one person-- and truly desire an authentic, fulfilling relationship in your future. * If you have kids with your ex, permanent No Contact is likely not possible when your ex has a relationship with them.

Keeping the addiction going will surely keep you stay stuck in your love addiction and for each and every contact, you immediately go back to square one. Every contact with your ex is equivalent to putting a knife into your chest — then pouring salt on the open wound, it hurts.

Like Love Addiction... No Contact is serious business

Let's be honest-- No Contact is definitely not easy or painless. Love addiction is bad in many ways. The experience of withdrawing and cutting your ex off is an arduous consequence of having been in an addictive relationship. It feels impossible. It can feel like torture. It can even feel like death.

It is no doubt the most difficult challenge in this beginning stage of recovery.

Yet, you must be assured, you can and will survive. It pays off in the end. If you act- there is light ahead. All the twisted obsessions, distortions, and confusing thoughts want to convince you that you cannot live without your ex? that he/she was your soul mate, the magical one. It is not reality. Do not believe it.

Understand this---all the irrational obsessive thoughts in your head are nothing but your addiction talking. The voices of addiction are always full of deceitfulness, lies, and manipulations.

Get it in your head your ex toxic to you. Your ex is not the answer. Your value, worth and existence is not based on someone else. Do not accept the falsehood that he/she is the answer to your problems?NOT true; never has been.

Discovering to honor who you are as a human being, honoring your personal wants and needs, and learning to love you is the answer to your problems.

Again, the longer you take the "hits" of contact, the more you feed the fix, and the longer you put your recovery at a complete stand still. So move forward wisely.

The No Contact Rule is a critical step to heal and get past the pain. Adhere to the No Contact Rule with a fighting attitude, and an acknowledgement, that you deserve better and are finished settling for less.

Draw a line in the sand, and declare to yourself, "No More"! And once you do- reach out for support and leap the worthy path of recovery.

Author's Bio: 

Jim Hall, M.S., is a Love Addiction Specialist and founder of a popular recovery website,, a cutting-edge site for the love addict who want to recover and heal.

He is an Author on Love Addiction and Recovering. He also coaches Love Addicts how to recover, heal, and break their addiction to relationships, online at

Jim authors several popular Books on love addiction and recovery, available on one of the best love addiction recovery websites- Or click on the links to learn about the books:

- Surviving Withdrawal: The Breakup Workbook for Love Addicts.

- The Love Addict in Love Addiction

- Gateway to Recovery

Jim is currently completing a Love Addiction Rehab Recovery Program series for love and relationship addiction which will soon be available on Also on his website are free articles, tips, and other related information on love addiction, recovery and relationship issues: