The Science of Numbers or ‘ NUMEROLOGY’ as it’s commonly called is as old as the Human civilization. The Oldest and the Most well Established forms of Numerology came from the Chaldean and Pythagoras.

Numerology is basically a Science of the study of Hidden meaning of Numbers and their vibrations.

The Date you are Born becomes the Most Important Number in your Life & most of your decisions, Events & actions revolve around the Positive or Negative aspects of your date of Birth.

As per Numerology, each number has certain cosmic vibrations and a person born on any date derives most the cosmic vibrations of his Date of Birth. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie.

Essentially, numerology deals with the nine major planets — Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Mars and their characteristic features. Each one of these nine planets is assigned numbers ranging from 1 to 9, depending on which planet vibrates to which number. These nine planets influence the human life in a substantial way.

The name is not just a name but also a form of cosmic energy. It reflects your goals, talents, lessons and debts, in essence, your reasons for being here. Logically. When you pronounce your name (with the corrected spelling), your name vibrations are activated and reach out to the person/persons you are talking to. Having a correct personal and Business name based on numerology releases positive cosmic energy, thus providing you with growth and enhancing success.
The conclusion is that you need an Energy Tool ( correct name) for creating, empowering, amplifying and broadcasting vibrations, to bring about sustained results

Author's Bio: 

Amit Lamba
(Astro Numerology , Vastu Shastra & Birth Stone Gems Consultant)
91 – 0 - 9819015736.
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