This world has taken entirely a new dimension since the advent of information technology. Information technology has permeated in our lives in a way that our life style before technology, just like fifteen years ago, sounds medieval and slow paced. Information technology has brought changes into every field of our lives and education is no exception.

Innovation, which stems from good education and learning, has shaped up our world the way it is today. This, perhaps, has been the reason that developed portions of the world have always been pondering about maximum and utmost dissemination of education and latest technologies.

One such off spring of all these efforts and worries is “online education”. Off lately, the phenomenon of online education has been the centre of debate. It has had vehement advocates and adversaries. This term “online education” is quite broad in its meanings and encompasses various factors; from obtaining an advanced degree from a notable institute to having some help to have homework done through an online tutor ; all fall in the category of online education. Through this article I will shed light on how the perception about online education has changed over the year and its future prospect.

How perception has been changed:

Time management skills are essential to develop in today’s fast paced and ever evolving world. How one plans to manage time is what determine the success factor and this is what making online education immense popular. Online education is highly interactive and flexible method of learning.

The perception of deeming online education as quick and casual way of learning is no more. It is the thing of past when neither reputed academic institutions would offer online education courses nor big organization would consider people holding degrees or certificates through E-learning. Now, all the famous institutes offer online education and individuals with academic certificates obtained through online education are working on key positions in big and renowned organizations.

E-learning is indeed a nascent phenomenon which has jolted the field of education and learning across the globe. Now, people with limited resources and tight schedules can easily acquire further knowledge.


  1. The biggest beneficiaries of learning through means of technology are school or college going students. Students mostly are laden with tough and complicated assignments from their institutes. Besides, most of the time they find it hard to comprehend the concept of the subject as teachers just explain it once in classroom and move forward. Here, online education helps the students’ big time. There are various websites that offer their services to such students. Students can have access to all sorts of solutions. They can hire a person through these websites to have their problem solved. For instance, a student struggling with accounting assignment can sign up with such website and hire an accounting tutor.
  2. Second significant advantage of online education is flexible schedule. People who opt for online education can make their schedule according to their own convenience. It is big advantage for the people who are already struggling with their hectic jobs; yet want to go for further education.
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Have homework done through an online tutor ; all fall in the category of online education. A student struggling with accounting assignment can sign up with such website and hire an accounting tutor