As the world becomes more and more aware and concerned about the future of our planet, green practices are becoming more prevalent. One of the most obvious threats to our environment is the emissions produced from automobiles. It is by far one of the most toxic generators on the planet.

In many countries around the world, people are searching for responsible alternatives to using vehicles. Some of these ideas are: Hybrid cars, scooters, walking, carpooling, motor cycles, public transportation and bicycles.

With the emergence of bicycles rising to the forefront, for transportation and exercise, the need for safe storage is imperative. Bikes have become much more sophisticated and expensive, therefore making them an obvious target for thieves. This has created an overwhelming need for proper bike racks in all cities around the world; not only are they necessary in condos and apartment buildings, but also in work places.

The type of back rack you are looking for is going to depend on the location. The Lock Up 1 parking system is a vertical bike rack that locks against the wall. This is a great space saver and is perfect for parking lots. You can place them on the wall behind the cars which is great as you can improve your parking lot to be environmental friendly and not need any extra space to do so.

The Lock Up 2 parking system is a horizontal bike rack. This system is perfect for placing outside of your commercial store location or schools. It does not clutter up the front of your store and it attracts bicyclists as they have a safe place to store their bikes.

These are the two top systems on the market and are very secure and difficult for thieves to break. Understanding your needs, space and market type is imperative to ensure you choose the best product for you.

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