Among all the modes of transportation (which comprises Airplanes, Boats, Trains, Cars and Buses), the most agile and comfortable one is the airplane. There are several pros of booking online flights: they save time and have good service. When travelling far distances, airplanes should be ones top preference and alternatives such as trains or cars do not usually cross ones mind. Despite the unmeasurable advantages of travelling by air, its is not the most eco-friendly way to get around.

The first question is “how far away is my destination?”. For neighbouring state visits (eg. Maharashtra to Punjab), go ahead with online bus ticket booking rather than a car or a bike ride. Bus may not be the best way of transport as long as agility is concerned, but its the best choice if you want comfort and company and is fuel efficient too. There are several options when booking a bus ticket; and the most common clicks are on the online AC bus booking option since they provide the most comfortable ride for passengers who enjoy a cool journey.

Train transportation tops the list of environment friendly modes of transportation. India is widely connected by rail and almost any part of the country is accessible by train travel. The Indian Railway happens to be the worlds 8th largest employer. The statistics may give you an idea of its significance in Indian transportation. Online train ticket booking is much easier now and offers a range of options. You can choose an A/C sleeper coach for a smooth overnight journey or a regular coach when a short distance is to be spanned. The Indian Railway also provides food for which you have to pay. At every station, you can get a cup of tea, coconut water or something else depending on the region you are in. There aren’t many inconveniences when travelling in a train except when going long distances: You may have to change trains and wait a few hours for the next train; but there are ways to turn inconveniences into advantages. When changing trains, take a days gap between lighting and boarding back so that you have the opportunity to explore whatever place you stopped in. It does sound exciting! The stay is not a problem either because online hotel booking has changed tourism completely, summing it up to a few clicks on your smart phone.

It is an accepted fact that when travelling on road, a private car is extremely convenient: you can make stops at will, decide where to eat, chat with family and friends and play music. It is convenient, but not for Mother Earth. If you decide to travel by a bus or a train, you are contributing to a greener planet by reducing pollution and depleting global warming. The difference is small but the difference is crucial; there is not much time left. Play your part without sacrificing your vacations and trips or any of those exasperating activities you love to do. Choose a bus or a train instead of your private car and practice walking and cycling to cover very small distances. There are many more ways to be eco-friendly so do the best you can.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article is a cultural explorer and enjoys reading, writing and music. His plan is to travel and write blogs and articles about his experiences in order to promote the travelling culture, believing that travelling can make one a better person.