I find that, when it comes to organization, getting started is half the battle.

If you're procrastinating on an organizing project, the key to pushing past the procrastination is to find out what motivates you. Know your motivators before a wave of procrastination hits, and you'll be prepared to deal with it - head-on - as soon as it arrives.

So ask yourself, "What makes me want to get things done? To get organized?"

Here are some possibilities...

(1) Free time.

It's well-established that if you simplify life, you save time.

But just how much time, exactly, will you save? US News and World Report recently demonstrated that the average American spends 1 year of their life looking for lost or misplaced items at home and in the office.

1 year = 365 days = 8,760 hours = 525,600 minutes = 31,536,000 seconds

Any way you put it - it's a lot of time! A lot of time you could have been doing other things...

(2) Money.

Think about your biggest organizing problem. Let's just say, for example, that it's your home office.

Assume that you're losing $20 a week ($3 a day) in personal resources - lost time, energy, productivity, sanity - because you don't have an effective organizing system in place. (It's probably much more than $3/ day, but we'll go for a moderate amount.)

Imagine you decide against de-cluttering your home office and continue down the same unorganized path for the next 5 years. You will lose over $5000 of resources!

Although that $5000 is just a hypothetical figure, it puts disorganization in a whole new light.

(3) Positive energy.

According to the book The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People by Dr. David Niven, it's important to establish a schedule to take your tasks from "To Do" to "To Done."

Dr. Niven writes: "We often feel overwhelmed by the chores that have to be done on a regular basis. We clean the kitchen, then the living room needs to be vacuumed...and 16 other things need to be done. With a routine, you will not be lost in wondering what's next."

Precisely how much will a household routine boost your level of happiness? 100 Simple Secrets explains: "In a study of families, regularity in household routines improved daily personal satisfaction by about 5%."

In Part 2: I'll cover more strategies for getting over procrastination and how you can relate them to other areas of your life.

Author's Bio: 

Carmen Coker is a former US Air Force officer turned professional organizer. Her business Clutterbugs helps individuals find the motivation and know-how to get organized and stay organized. To learn how to save money, create more space, and manage your time through organization, claim your "FREE Tip Kit: 10+ Pages of Tips and Tools to Help You Get Organized - Finally!" at one of her 3 websites: Home Organization Online, Get Organized! Blog, or Clutterbugs.