One of the greatest joy's in life is to spend a moment with God. Just find some time though out your busy day and just be still. In this busy world we get caught up in life that we tend to forget one very important part of ourselves our soul.

We feed it on Sunday when we attend church, and when we read our scriptures yet is it enough? We feed our bodies through out the day when are in need of a quick pick me up we turn to the cabinet in search of a quick snack to tide us over till our next meal.

What a bout the soul? It too needs to be fed in between scripture readings and church. Find a little time during your day to give your soul a little treat. Watch a sunset or a sunrise. Look at the world around you there is so much beauty right in front of you.

Taking the time to just be still to reconnect with God and nature more importantly with yourself. To just breath put the do not disturb sign on the door to your world turn off the computer silence the phone soft music if you wish. Just be still, close your eyes for just a second to hear your heart beat the sounds of life.

Your inner peace feasting on the quietness in a hurried world your reward a soul at rest reconnecting with you. Reconnecting with God "Be still and know that I am" spending a moment with God can bring such peace a new found energy to be able to tackle what lays ahead.

It's amazing what a few moments of down time can do for you. Your whole out look on life is different. Giving your battered soul a break from the world what a treat to find that inner peace.

It's not easy to find the time to just be still. It should be mandatory in the work force. Do you recall back in grade school when the teacher would turn off the lights and announce every body put your heads on the desk? The simpler times in life.

Do you recall how you felt after the lights out rest time? Refreshed and ready to go again granted some students fell a sleep they were at peace relaxed. What a treat that would be to be able to carry that feeling with you through out your busy day.

You may not be able to turn the lights out or lay your head on your desk. But try to find a minuet through out your day to see what God has in store for you. It may be a rain shower or the sounds of new life that brings you inner peace.

What ever it is that brings a smile to your lips try to escape there in your minds eye if you are not able to physically go. Just find the time to be still it's worth giving your soul a little break.

Author's Bio: 

A free lance writer/ Author a spirit daughter of a loving father in heaven. A mother of four grandmother of two. A firm believer in following your destiny. To take the gift's "God has given you and embrace them. Believe in your self if you don't no one else will.Embrace that inner child that lives inside us all, give that child a pep talk encouraging your inner child to let go and let "God.